discord.py bot 命令冷却适用于每个人的工作命令

时间:2021-05-18 14:08:17

标签: python discord discord.py

我的 discord.py 机器人有一个工作命令,有一个小时的冷却时间。因此,如果我执行 >work,然后其他人执行 >work,它会告诉他们必须等待一个小时。当执行 >work 时,如何让冷却时间仅适用于一位用户?谢谢


class Economy(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.last_work_time = None

    def on_work_waiting():
      last_work_time = None

    def on_work_typed():
      if last_work_time is None:
        last_work_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        threading.Thread(target: on_work_waiting).start()
        time_left = datetime.datetime.now() - last_work_time
        minutes_left, _ = divmod(time_left.total_seconds(), 60)

        await ctx.send(f'{ctx.author.mention}, Wait {minutes_left} minutes until you can work again!')

    @commands.cooldown(1, 3600, commands.BucketType.user)

    async def work(self, ctx):
      randomjobtitle = ["Construction Worker", "Teacher", "Twitch Streamer", "911 Dispatcher", "Librarian", "Cookie Giver", "Fast Food Worker"]
      job = random.choice(randomjobtitle)
      author = ctx.author
      money = random.randint(10,50)
      balance = database[str(ctx.message.author.id)]
      total = database[str(ctx.message.author.id)] = balance + money
      embed=discord.Embed(title=f"{ctx.author.name} decided to work!", description="You're going to work!", color=0x00FFFF)
      embed.add_field(name="Amount Earned", value=f"**{money}** Ulti Coins", inline=True)
      embed.add_field(name="Job Title (random)", value=f"**{job}**", inline=True)
      embed.add_field(name="Balance Before Work", value=f"**{total}** Ulti Coins", inline=True)
      embed.set_footer(text="Your total amount is saved across all servers that I'm in! >balance to see your balance")
      await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        balance = database[str(ctx.message.author.id)]
        balance = 0
      database[str(ctx.message.author.id)] = balance + money

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的命令冷却时间 @commands.cooldown(1, 3600, commands.BucketType.user) 应该已经以这种方式工作了。您正在使用 user BucketType 其中 applies a cooldown on a per-user basis。根据您的机器人的使用方式,仍然有冷却时间的人可能正在另一台服务器上执行命令。在这种情况下,您可以使用 member BucketType