应用程序在本地构建良好,可在本地生产服务器 + 开发服务器上运行。 用于获取数据的 api 工作正常。
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const resp = await fetch(
headers: {
'User-Agent': '*',
}, //this is required by api provider
const data = await resp.json();
//console.log('states in getStaticProps : ', data);
return { props: { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) } };
const Ninjas = ({ data: { states } }) => {
console.log('Ninjas : ', states);
return (
<title> Listing</title>
{states.map((ei) => (
<div key={ei.state_id}>
<a className={styles.single}>
export default Ninjas;
20:17:40.644 Cloning github.com/user-name/co2-app (Branch: main, Commit: 8ab0e48)
20:17:41.349 Cloning completed: 704.592ms
20:17:41.374 Analyzing source code...
20:17:42.573 Installing build runtime...
20:17:45.235 Build runtime installed: 2.662s
20:17:48.104 Looking up build cache...
20:17:48.453 Build cache not found
20:17:49.697 Installing dependencies...
20:18:04.559 > ejs@2.7.4 postinstall /vercel/path0/node_modules/ejs
20:18:04.559 > node ./postinstall.js
20:18:05.113 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.3.2 (node_modules/fsevents):
20:18:05.113 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.3.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"})
20:18:05.116 added 600 packages from 352 contributors in 14.87s
20:18:05.426 64 packages are looking for funding
20:18:05.426 run `npm fund` for details
20:18:05.492 Detected Next.js version: 10.2.0
20:18:05.492 Running "npm run build"
20:18:05.756 > we2-cowax@0.1.0 build /vercel/path0
20:18:05.757 > next build
20:18:07.292 info - Using webpack 4. Reason: custom webpack configuration in next.config.js https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/webpack5
20:18:08.224 info - Checking validity of types...
20:18:08.244 Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.
20:18:08.245 This information is used to shape Next.js' roadmap and prioritize features.
20:18:08.245 You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL:
20:18:08.245 https://nextjs.org/telemetry
20:18:08.326 info - Creating an optimized production build...
20:18:08.748 > [PWA] Compile client (static)
20:18:08.748 > [PWA] Auto register service worker with: /vercel/path0/node_modules/next-pwa/register.js
20:18:08.750 > [PWA] Service worker: /vercel/path0/public/service-worker.js
20:18:08.750 > [PWA] url: /service-worker.js
20:18:08.750 > [PWA] scope: /
20:18:08.860 > [PWA] Compile server
20:18:25.603 info - Compiled successfully
20:18:25.604 info - Collecting page data...
20:18:26.366 info - Generating static pages (0/3)
20:18:26.918 error : invalid json response body at https://cdn-api.co-vin.in/api/v2/admin/location/states reason: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
20:18:26.919 Error occurred prerendering page "/". Read more: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/prerender-error
20:18:26.919 Error: Error serializing props returned from `getStaticProps` in "/".
20:18:26.919 Reason: Props must be returned as a plain object from getStaticProps: `{ props: { ... } }`.
20:18:26.919 at isSerializableProps (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/lib/is-serializable-props.js:1:462)
20:18:26.919 at renderToHTML (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/next-server/server/render.js:30:1730)
20:18:26.919 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
20:18:26.919 at async /vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/export/worker.js:26:6
20:18:26.919 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/telemetry/trace/trace.js:6:584)
20:18:26.920 info - Generating static pages (3/3)
20:18:26.921 > Build error occurred
20:18:26.926 Error: Export encountered errors on following paths:
20:18:26.926 /
20:18:26.926 at /vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:31:1106
20:18:26.926 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/telemetry/trace/trace.js:6:584)
20:18:26.927 at async /vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:43:49
20:18:26.927 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/telemetry/trace/trace.js:6:584)
20:18:26.927 at async /vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:25:1475
20:18:26.927 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/vercel/path0/node_modules/next/dist/telemetry/trace/trace.js:6:584)
20:18:26.954 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
20:18:26.954 npm ERR! errno 1
20:18:26.958 npm ERR! co2-app@0.1.0 build: `next build`
20:18:26.958 npm ERR! Exit status 1
20:18:26.958 npm ERR!
20:18:26.959 npm ERR! Failed at the we2-cowax@0.1.0 build script.
20:18:26.959 npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
20:18:26.968 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
20:18:26.968 npm ERR! /vercel/.npm/_logs/2021-05-17T14_48_26_959Z-debug.log
20:18:26.982 Error: Command "npm run build" exited with 1
我使用 next-pwa 来实现 PWA 功能,因此使用自定义 webpack 版本
已在 Vercel 删除应用程序并重新部署,甚至删除了缓存构建但仍然无法解决错误
答案 0 :(得分:1)
API 返回 403 禁止错误:
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<TITLE>ERROR: The request could not be satisfied</TITLE>
<H1>403 ERROR</H1>
<H2>The request could not be satisfied.</H2>
<HR noshade size="1px">
Request blocked.
We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a
configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
<BR clear="all">
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
<BR clear="all">
<HR noshade size="1px">
Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: BqNxi8x1nTA3YKM_N3JSCyjGVDYnMUDNFvS_HgJGB8glTFr1uVh6Ug==
然后没有被您的 getStaticProps
函数正确处理(在这种情况下,无效响应不能转换为 JSON;此外,您的用户代理无效):
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const resp = await fetch(
headers: {
'User-Agent': '*',
}, //this is required by api provider
// this throws an error because you can't turn
// the invalid server response into JSON
const data = await resp.json();
return { props: { data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) } };
您的 Ninjas
组件也没有正确处理 -- states
将是 undefined,因为服务器没有响应有效数据,您不能映射未定义的变量。相反,您应该通过使用 lodash 的 isEmpty: !isEmpty(states) && states.map(...)
或通过检查它是否已定义并具有长度:Array.isArray(states) && states.length > 0 && states.map(...)
import Head from "next/head";
import isEmpty from "lodash.isempty";
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
let data = [];
let error = "";
try {
const res = await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: {
// update with your user-agent
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36",
Accept: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
if (res.status !== 200)
throw String(`Invalid server response: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);
data = await res.json();
if (isEmpty(data)) throw String("No data was found!");
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
} catch (e) {
error = e.toString();
return {
props: {
const Ninjas = ({ data, error }) => (
<title> Listing</title>
{error && <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{error}</p>}
{!isEmpty(data) && !isEmpty(data.states) &&
data.states.map((ei) => (
<div key={ei.state_id}>
<a className={styles.single}>
export default Ninjas;