AG-Grid 自定义单元格渲染器下拉问题

时间:2021-05-17 21:03:05

标签: javascript ag-grid

我正在尝试为包含下拉菜单的 AG-Grid 制作自定义单元格渲染器。选择一个选项后,我希望将下拉值导出为网格值。 基本上,我需要在导出网格数据时保存下拉值。我知道使用付费版本可以更轻松地完成,但这是一个非常小的工作项目,我们没有预算来支付许可证费用。 我知道我非常接近解决方案。我已经阅读并重新阅读了官方文档一百万次。 据我所知,我需要告诉单元渲染器该值是什么,但我不确定如何。这是我的代码:

        // set custom column definition for dropdown choices (GL)
        var customColDef = function(params) {
            var options = '<option selected disabled hidden>SVP choisir</option>'
            var GL_raw = JSON.parse({{deragon_user_data|tojson}}); // this is from my Mongo/Flask backend
            var GLs = GL_raw.GL;
            for (const [key,value] of Object.entries(GLs)) {
                options += `<option value=${value}>${key}</option>`;
            var html = `<select class="form-select GL-dropdown">${options}</select>`;
            return html;

        // specify the columns
        const columnDefs = [
        { headerName: "Nom", field: "Nom", width:"200px" },
        { headerName: "Date", field: "Date", width:"100px" },
        { headerName: "Province", field: "Province", width:"110px" },
        { headerName: "Description", field: "Description", width:"350px" },
        { headerName: "GL", field: "GL", width:"220px", cellRenderer: customColDef, cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor'},
        { headerName: "Commentaire", field: "Commentaire", width:"495px", editable: true, resizable: true },
        { headerName: "Frais", field: "Frais", type: 'numericColumn', width:"105px" },
        { headerName: "TPS", field: "TPS", type: 'numericColumn', width:"90px" },
        { headerName: "TVQ", field: "TVQ", type: 'numericColumn', width:"90px" },
        { headerName: "TVH", field: "TPS", type: 'numericColumn', width:"90px" },
        { headerName: "Total", field: "Total", type: 'numericColumn', width:"105px" }

        // get expenses data from DB
        const rowData = JSON.parse({{expenses|tojson}}); // this is from my Mongo/Flask backend

        // config grid options
        const gridOptions = {
            columnDefs: columnDefs,
            rowData: rowData,
            rowSelection: 'single'

        // lookup grid container
        const eGridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');

        // create the grid with div & options
        new agGrid.Grid(eGridDiv, gridOptions);

        // print data to console
        function getGridData(){

        // download csv
        function exportGridData(){

        // update back-end DB with the grid's data
        function updateGridData(){
            const newData = gridOptions.api.getDataAsCsv();
            var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "POST", "https://<ENDPOINT_REDACTED>/update-user", true); 
            xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
            xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
                var response = this.responseText;

结果截图如下: enter image description here



UPDATE :更新代码并添加结果截图。不幸的是,当我导出时,我仍然得到一个空值(即使下拉值很好)

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