
时间:2021-05-12 01:33:12

标签: automation autohotkey

对于那些后来发现这一点的人,出于谷歌原因或任何原因,虽然评论有所帮助,但我在很大程度上不得不从头开始重新编写代码。如果您想在 Procreate 中使用 CSP 等效的私有层,或者如果您想使用 CSP 录制功能而不显示您的参考层,请下载 autohotkey 和此脚本,然后设置以下设置。< /p>

  1. CTRL 和 Numpad+ 放大
  2. CTRL 和 Numpad- 缩小
  3. 鼠标中键平移。

然后执行以下操作,在两页上放置某种类型的参考,一个大棋盘,一个带有几行的点,等等。然后将两个窗口对齐,使它们显示完全相同的内容,仅使用鼠标中键平移,使用 CTRL+ 和 CTRL- 放大和缩小。

这是我的第一个自动热键脚本,我试图链接一个艺术程序的两个不同窗口,这样当我平移一个画布时,它也会平移另一个。我希望它尽可能精确,但我在第 1 行收到一个错误,说它是一个无效的热键,我尝试删除变量并移动逗号,但我不确定是什么我做错了。


Space + L Mouse Button 一起让我平移画布,当我释放一个或另一个时,我需要知道光标在哪里。

LCtrl + Numpad5 禁用在 WindowTop 上的点击,我用它来将一个窗口透明地覆盖在另一个窗口上。

LCtrl + Tab 在应用中的两个画布之间切换

#IfWinActive ahk_exe CLIPStudioPaint.exe

; coordmode 
Coordmode, Mouse, Screen 
t := 0

;Below line starts script, and declares The Starting Coordinates

WinTitle = 3DLayer
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

WinSet,Transparent, Off

WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, % WinTitle

WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % WinTitle
WinSet, Transparent, 128, % WinTitle

 if (t = 0)
    MouseGetPos, MouseStartX, MouseStartY
    t := 1


~MButton up:: 

;When MButton is released, records mouse ending positions
    MouseGetpos, MouseEndX, MouseEndY
;Blocks input in case I move mouse or touch keyboard while it's running
    BlockInput, On
; switches canvas
    Send ^{TAB} 
; set window for click through
    WinTitle = 3DLayer
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Disables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, % WinTitle
        ; drag 
    MouseClickDrag, M, MouseStartX, MouseStartY, MouseEndX, MouseEndY
;Re-enables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % WinTitle
    Winset, Transparent, 150, % WinTitle
;Turns inputs back on, so that I can resume using the art program
    Send ^{TAB}
    BlockInput, Off
    t := 0

    BlockInput, On
; Get Mouse Position
    MouseGetPos, ScrollX, ScrollY

;Block input, then switch canvases
    Send ^{Tab}
sleep 50
; Disables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, % WinTitle
; Move Mouse where it needs to be then scroll
    MouseMove, ScrollX, ScrollY
    Send ^{NumpadAdd}
;Re-enables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % WinTitle
    Winset, Transparent, 150, % WinTitle
;Turns inputs back on, so that I can resume using the art program
    Send ^{TAB}
    BlockInput, Off

    BlockInput, On
; Get Mouse Position
    MouseGetPos, ScrollX, ScrollY

;Block input, then switch canvases
    Send ^{Tab}
sleep 50
; Disables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, -0x20, % WinTitle
; Move Mouse where it needs to be then scroll
    MouseMove, ScrollX, ScrollY
    Send ^{NumpadSub}
;Re-enables Click Through
    WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % WinTitle
    Winset, Transparent, 150, % WinTitle
;Turns inputs back on, so that I can resume using the art program
    Send ^{TAB}
    BlockInput, Off

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Space UP || LMButton UP::MouseGetPos MouseEndX, MouseEndY

while (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") and GetKeyState("Space", "P")) 
    sleep 50  
MouseGetPos MouseEndX, MouseEndY


我实际上不知道它是否按预期工作,因为我没有您正在使用的软件,但如果出现问题,请随时 lmk。

更新 1:

为了保留键的本机功能,我们可以使用 ~ 修饰符。

来自modifier section of the docs的相关部分:


当热键触发时,其键的本机功能不会被阻止 (对系统隐藏)。

为了实现这一点,我们可以添加 ~ 键作为热键的前缀,转

Space & LButton::


~Space & LButton::

当前代码 v2:

#IfWinActive ahk_exe CLIPStudioPaint.exe
;Below line starts script, and declares 4 variables with the value 0 to reset the script, to make sure for no reason it uses the old values
~Space & LButton::
;Once variables are declared, it records those variables
MouseGetPos MouseStartX, MouseStartY

;When space or Mouse button release, it uses the 4 recorded variables to move and click on the canvas

while (GetKeyState("LButton", "P") and GetKeyState("Space", "P")) 
    sleep 50  
MouseGetPos MouseEndX, MouseEndY

;Blocks input in case I move mouse or touch keyboard while it's running
BlockInput, On

;Disables Click Through in WindowTop (That's a literal name of the program) by pressing CTRL and Numpad5
Send ^{Numpad5}

;Switches Canvasses to the new canvas (Basically a 2nd tab in the program)
Send ^{TAB}

;Uses the recorded mouse positions to middle mouse button drag the exact same way I had in the previous section
MouseClickDrag, M, MouseStartX, MouseStartY, MouseEndX, MouseEndY

;Re-enables Click Through
Send ^{TAB}

;Switches back too original canvas
Send ^{Numpad5}

;Turns inputs back on, so that I can resume using the art program
BlockInput, Off
