通过弹簧休息模板发送 List<MultipartFile>

时间:2021-05-09 10:55:39

标签: spring spring-boot resttemplate spring-resttemplate multipartfile

我想通过网络服务发送 from math import floor from PIL import Image from random import randint # Read all images c=1 times = int(input("How many times to save")) for i in range(times): bckgnd = Image.open('background2.png').convert('RGBA') orangedot = Image.open('orangedot.png') whiteX = Image.open('whiteX.png') # Width and height of each "tile" w, h = bckgnd.size # Calculate number of tiles for x and y direction by A4 paper size # (21 cm x 29.7 cm), and some resolution like dpi = 300 n_tiles = (floor((21.0 / 2.54 * 300) / w), floor((29.7 / 2.54 * 300) / h)) # Prepare final image of sufficient size final_img = Image.new('RGBA', (n_tiles[0] * w, n_tiles[1] * h), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) # Iterate all tiles for i_x in range(n_tiles[0]): for i_y in range(n_tiles[1]): # Upper left (x, y) coordinates of current tile x, y = i_x * w, i_y * h # 1st: Paste background to current tile final_img.paste(bckgnd, (x, y), mask=bckgnd) # 2nd: Randomly generate location of orange dot and paste to current tile od_x, od_y = randint(30, 170), randint(0, 100) final_img.paste(orangedot, (x + od_x, y + od_y), mask=orangedot) # 3rd: Paste white X to current tile final_img.paste(whiteX, (x, y), mask=whiteX) # Save and show final image img_name = 'filename0{0}.png'.format(c) c+=1 final_img.save(img_name) 列表。下面我用wrapper class发送MultipartFile列表





public class FileList {   
    private String fileName;
    private List arrayList;


final String uri = "http://localhost:9000/api/file/login";
fileList.setArrayList(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"A", "B", "C", "D"}));

org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
HttpEntity<FileList> entity = new HttpEntity<>(fileList, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class);

这适用于 @PostMapping(value = "/login") public String createEmployee(@RequestBody FileList fileList) { //Some codes goes here return null; }

我想在 fileList.setArrayList(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"A", "B", "C", "D"})); 的包装类中发送 List<MultipartFile> insted of FileList


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