是否可以在 .conf 文件中拆分路径路由?

时间:2021-05-06 12:11:00

标签: elasticsearch logstash logstash-grok logstash-configuration

我正在尝试编写具有更高可扩展性的 .conf 文件,我的想法是,为了在 elasticsearch 中拥有多索引,拆分路径并获取具有 csv 名称的最后一个位置并将其设置为类型和弹性搜索中的索引。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

input {
  file {
    path => "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_suministro_activa.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
  file {
    path => "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_activo_consumo.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
path2 = path.split('/')[-1]
filter {
if [path] == "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_suministro_activa.csv"{
    mutate { replace => { type => path2 } } 
  csv {
      separator => ","
      skip_header => "true"
      autodetect_column_names => true
     ruby {
    code => "event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
    if k.start_with?('Linea') and v.is_a?(String)
      event.set(k, v.to_f)
else if [path] == "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_activo_consumo.csv"{
    mutate { replace => { type => "apaches2" } } 
  csv {
      separator => ","
      skip_header => "true"
      autodetect_column_names => true
   ruby {
    code => "event.to_hash.each { |k, v|
    if k.start_with?('Smart') and v.is_a?(String)
      event.set(k, v.to_f)


output {
   elasticsearch {
     hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
     index => "%{type}_indexer"
stdout {codec => rubydebug}


我尝试用 path2 = path.split('/')[-1] 做到这一点,但我不确定是否可行。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

filter 部分,将 type 的值设置为文件名(df_suministro_activa.csvdf_activo_consumo.csv)。我为此使用 grokmutate 是另一种可能性 (cf doc)

然后您可以在输出中/在 if-else 中使用 type/更改其值等。

input {
  file {
    path => "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_suministro_activa.csv"
  file {
    path => "/home/aitor2/RETO8/BIGDATA/df_activo_consumo.csv"

filter {
  grok { match { "path" => "UNIXPATH/(?<type>[^/]+)" } }

  if [type] == "df_suministro_activa.csv" {
  else if [type] == "df_activo_consumo.csv" {
    mutate { replace => { type => "apaches2" } } 

output {
   elasticsearch {
     hosts => "http://localhost:9200"
     index => "%{type}_indexer"

我不确定 path 字段;您可能想在 [log][file][path] 块中尝试 path 而不是 filter
