尝试使用 FIFO 发送消息时出错

时间:2021-05-03 20:15:34

标签: c++ process operating-system pipe fork


我有一个创建多个子进程的父进程,并且通过使用 FIFO 我想向所有子进程发送消息(例如“hi”),进程接收到消息,但是有无论我做什么,都会出现错误,而且似乎无法找到问题所在。


ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED localhost refused to connect.


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int num_monitors, buf_size; //command line arguments
  num_monitors = stoi(argv[1]);
  buf_size = stoi(argv[2]);

  // Structures to store monitor info
  Monitors *m_info = new Monitors[num_monitors]; // Stores monitor pid & pipe ends

  sleep(1); // making sure all pipes get created

  for(int i=0; i<num_monitors; i++) // opening the write end now that the monitors have been created
    m_info[i].write_fd = open(m_info[i].write_p, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
    if (m_info[i].write_fd == -1){perror("open @ 27 main parent");exit(1);}

  for(int i=0; i<num_monitors; i++)
    send_message(m_info[i].write_fd, (char*)"hi", buf_size);

  delete [] m_info;
  return 0;


class Monitors
    pid_t m_pid;                // monitors's PID
    char read_p[32];         // write monitor - read parent pipe name 
    char write_p[32];        // read monitor - write parent pipe name
    int read_fd;                // file descriptor for read fifo of monitor
    int write_fd;               // file descriptor for write fifo of monitor


    void create_n_monitors(Monitors *m_info, int num_monitors, int buf_size, char *input_dir)
      create_unique_fifo(true, NULL, 0);  // creates a fifo file
      for (int i = 0; i < num_monitors; ++i) // create num monitors
        create_monitor(m_info, i, buf_size, input_dir);
    /* ========================================================================= */
    // Create a monitor and it's named fifos. Store it's info in <m_info[index]>.
    void create_monitor(Monitors *m_info, int index, int buf_size, char *input_dir)
      create_unique_fifo(false, m_info, index);  // Create fifos
      pid_t pid = fork();
      if(pid == -1) {
      else if ( pid == 0) { // we are in the child monitor, read_p(read parent) : monitor's write end of the fifo
                            // write_p(write parent): monitor's read end
        char buf_size_str[15];
        sprintf(buf_size_str, "%d", buf_size); // buf_size must be a char*
        execl("./Monitor","Monitor", buf_size_str, m_info[index].read_p, m_info[index].write_p, (char * )NULL);
      m_info[index].m_pid = pid;  // Store it's pid
    /* ========================================================================= */
    // If <setup> is true, create a directory to store fifos.
    void create_unique_fifo(bool setup, Monitors *m_info, int index)
      static char fifo_name[32];
      static int counter = 0;
      if (setup == true)
        char dir_path[] = "named_fifos";
        if (access(dir_path, F_OK) == 0)  // If dir already exists (due to abnormal previous termination, eg: SIGKILL)
          delete_flat_dir(dir_path);      // completely remove it
        if (mkdir(dir_path, 0777) == -1){perror("mkdir @ unique_fifo");exit(1);}
        sprintf(fifo_name, "named_fifos/f");
        struct stat stat_temp;
      // Create a unique name (e.g named_fifos1R , named_fifos6W )
        sprintf(m_info[index].read_p, "%s%d%c", fifo_name, counter, 'R');
      // Create fifos
        if(stat(m_info[index].read_p, &stat_temp) == -1){
            if (mkfifo(m_info[index].read_p,0666) < 0 ){perror("mkfifo @ unique_fifo");exit(1);}
        m_info[index].read_fd = open(m_info[index].read_p, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
      if (m_info[index].read_fd == -1) {perror("open @ 73 setup_monitors");exit(1);}
        sprintf(m_info[index].write_p, "%s%d%c", fifo_name, counter, 'W');
      ++counter; // counter used for pipe names
    /* ========================================================================= */
    // Remove a flat directory and its contents.
    void delete_flat_dir(char *init_flat_path)
      char flat_path[32];
      strcpy(flat_path, init_flat_path);
      DIR *dir = opendir(flat_path);
      if (dir == NULL){perror("opendir @ delete_flat_dir"); exit(1);}
      struct dirent *entry;
      while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL)  // Delete contents/files
        char *f_name = entry->d_name;
        if (!strcmp(f_name, ".") || !strcmp(f_name, ".."))
        char f_path[32];
        snprintf(f_path, 32, "%s/%s", flat_path, f_name);  // Remove file
        if (remove(f_path) == -1){perror("remove @ delete_flat_dir"); exit(1);}
      // Remove dir
      if (closedir(dir) == -1){perror("closedir 2 @ delete_flat_dir"); exit(1);}
      if (rmdir(flat_path) == -1){perror("rmdir @ delete_flat_dir"); exit(1);}  

Here are the functions used for the communication of the processes and parent: 

// Sends <message> to file descriptor <fd>
void send_message(int fd, char *message, int buf_size)
  int length = strlen(message);
  char buffer[10];
  sprintf(buffer, "%d@", length);
  write(fd, buffer, 9);      // sending the number of bytes reader is about to read
  write(fd, message, length); // sending the message itself

char *read_message(int read_end_fd, int buf_size)
  char buffer[10];
  int fifo_buffer_size = buf_size;
  read(read_end_fd, buffer, 9);
  char * tok = strtok(buffer, "@");
  int length = atoi(tok); // how many characters will be received
  char * input_read = new char[length + 1];

  char * str = input_read;
  int bytes_read = 0, total_bytes = 0; // We might need to read less or more bytes
  fifo_buffer_size = length < fifo_buffer_size ? length : fifo_buffer_size; // // than <buf_size>

  while(total_bytes < length)
    str += bytes_read;      // move str pointer
    bytes_read = read(read_end_fd, str, fifo_buffer_size); //and read the next <buf_size> characters
    total_bytes += bytes_read;  // adding them to the total amount of bytes read altogether

    if((total_bytes + fifo_buffer_size) > length)
        fifo_buffer_size = length - total_bytes; // reading exactly the amount that's left

  input_read[length] = '\0';
  return input_read; 

我正在使用 valgrind 调试器并在 num_monitors=5 和 buf_size=2 时得到以下结果:

int create_unique_fifo(char* read_fifo)
  int read_fd;
    struct stat stat_temp;

  // Create fifos
    if(stat(read_fifo, &stat_temp) == -1){
        if (mkfifo(read_fifo,0666) < 0 ){perror("mkfifo @ unique_fifo 37");exit(1);}

    read_fd = open(read_fifo, O_RDONLY);  // Open named pipe for reading
  if (read_fd == -1){perror("open @ monitor.cpp 1"); exit(1);}
  return read_fd;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int buf_size = stoi(argv[1]);  // Process command line args
  char read_fifo[100], write_fifo[100];
  strcpy(write_fifo, argv[2]); // parent read - monitor write
  strcpy(read_fifo, argv[3]);  // parent write - monitor read

  int read_fd, write_fd;
  read_fd = create_unique_fifo(read_fifo);

  write_fd = open(write_fifo, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);  // Open named pipe for writing
  if (write_fd == -1){perror("open @ monitor.cpp 2"); exit(1);}

  char* message;
  message = read_message(read_fd, buf_size);
  cout << "2:" << message << endl;
  return 0;

知道为什么会发生这种情况吗?我在创建进程后添加了 sleep(1) 以确保及时创建所有先进先出,但仍然出现此错误...任何帮助将不胜感激

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

send_message 中,您总是从 buffer 写入 9 个字节,但并非所有这些字节都已写入值。这是因为填充 sprintfbuffer 只写入前几个位置,可能少至 3 个。

解决方案是要么将它们全部初始化为 0

char buffer[10] = 0;

或者只写字符串中的字节数。从 sprintf 返回的值很容易知道这一点。

auto buf_len = sprintf(buffer, "%d@", length);
write(fd, buffer, buf_len);