ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“firebase”的模块 - 即使我安装了 firebase

时间:2021-05-01 13:14:18

标签: python database firebase

我想将我的数据库从 firebase 连接到我的 python 代码,这样我就可以将图形连接到我的网站,并且我收到的 python 错误一直说我没有导入“firebase”,我试过下载它到我的包和插件并更改变体以使其工作,但可能只是因为我有一台 Mac。代码如下。

#include <windows.h>

#include <sciplot\sciplot.hpp> // Just include header and getting error

int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    PWSTR pCmdLine, int CmdShow) {

    MessageBoxW(NULL, L"First plot", L"First", MB_OK);

    return 0;

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error (active)  E0040   expected an identifier  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Default.hpp   40  
Error   C2059   syntax error: 'constant'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Default.hpp   40  
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    137 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    137 
Error   C2059   syntax error: ')'   WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    137 
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    151 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    151 
Error   C2059   syntax error: ')'   WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    151 
Error   C2589   'constant': illegal token on right side of '::' WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    207 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    207 
Warning C4244   'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'size_t', possible loss of data WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    212 
Error   C2589   'constant': illegal token on right side of '::' WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    259 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    259 
Warning C4244   'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'size_t', possible loss of data WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Figure.hpp    264 
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\FillSpecsOf.hpp 142 
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\FillStyleSpecs.hpp  120 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\FillStyleSpecs.hpp  120 
Error   C2059   syntax error: ')'   WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\FillStyleSpecs.hpp  120 
Warning C4267   'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Plot.hpp  710 
Warning C4267   'argument': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Plot3D.hpp    409 
Error   C2589   'constant': illegal token on right side of '::' WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  237 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  237 
Warning C4244   'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'size_t', possible loss of data WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  242 
Error   C2589   'constant': illegal token on right side of '::' WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  277 
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  277 
Warning C4244   'argument': conversion from 'double' to 'size_t', possible loss of data WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\PlotBase.hpp  282 
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\TicsSpecsMinor.hpp  78  
Error   C2062   type 'unknown-type' unexpected  WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\TicsSpecsMinor.hpp  78  
Error   C2059   syntax error: ')'   WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\specs\TicsSpecsMinor.hpp  78  
Error   C2589   '(': illegal token on right side of '::'    WinAPI_TST  E:\FAROAPI\WinAPI_TST\sciplot\Utils.hpp 120 

这是错误: 从 firebase 导入 firebase ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“firebase”的模块

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