为什么 React Hook useEffect 警告缺少依赖项:'props'?

时间:2021-04-30 03:50:08

标签: javascript reactjs typescript react-hooks

{getDataFun} 和 React Hook useEffect 有一个依赖项: getDataFun 。 为什么没问题?

  const { getDataFun } = props; 
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [getDataFun]);

React Hook useEffect 有一个依赖项:props.getDataFun。 为什么有警告???

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [props.getDataFun]); // why missing dependency: 'props'???

  // React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'props'.
  // Either include it or remove the dependency array.
  //  However, 'props' will change when *any* prop changes,
  //   so the preferred fix is to destructure the 'props'
  //    object outside of the useEffect call and refer to
  //    those specific props inside useEffect.

遵循提示依赖项:'props'。但是 getDataFun 无限循环

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [props]); 

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