无法在自定义应用服务容器中使用系统分配的身份访问 Key Vault

时间:2021-04-28 13:22:55

标签: azure-web-app-service azure-keyvault azure-container-instances azure-managed-identity

I have created a custom Linux app service container.
The docker image has azure CLI installed and port numbers 80, 2222 are opened.
I have created a system-assigned identity for the key vault.
I could see the env variables related to the key vault. 
The system assigned identities have permissions to GET, LIST operations of key vault also added to the principal.
But when my app tries to fetch the keys from the key vault it's not working.

enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我认为您不应该使用容器内的终端连接到 AKV,最好使用适用于您的语言的 SDK 之一来使用您传递给容器的凭据获取密钥。
