如何在 AWS 存储桶中分发文件?

时间:2021-04-24 00:23:17

标签: c# amazon-web-services amazon-s3 async-await file-handling

我正在处理一个项目,我正在从一个文件夹位置以 .xml 或 .zip 扩展名获取文件列表,并尝试将它们存储在 AWS 云上的 S3 存储桶位置。我正在从 DirectoryWatcher 类中分配字符串变量并调用以下方法:

public static async Task UploadFilestoS3Async(string archiveDir, string storeKey, string registerType, List<string> fileNames, string logDir)

        foreach (var file in fileNames)
                var fileKey = storeKey + "/" + registerType + "/" + file;
                string fullArchivePath = archiveDir + file;
                if (File.Exists(fullArchivePath))
                    var req = new PutObjectRequest
                        // Distributing .xml & .zip files in relevant buckets
                        BucketName = file.EndsWith(".xml") ? "xmlBucket" : "zipBucket",
                        Key = fileKey,
                        FilePath = fullArchivePath

                    await _s3Client.PutObjectAsync(req);
                    string message = $"Store Key: {storeKey}, register type: {registerType}, file: {file} uploaded to S3 at {DateTime.UtcNow}";
                    await _logger.Info(message);
                    //Upload to S3
                    await Service.AppendLogtoFile(logDir, storeKey, message, LogType.Info);
                    await _logger.Error($"Store Key: {storeKey}, register type: {registerType}, file: {file} not found at {DateTime.UtcNow}");
                    //Upload to S3
                    await Service.AppendLogtoFile(logDir, storeKey, $"Store Key: {storeKey}, register type: {registerType}, file: {file} not found at {DateTime.UtcNow}", LogType.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _logger.Error($"UploadFilestoS3Async: General exception with Store Key: {storeKey}, register type: {registerType}");
                //Upload to S3
                await Service.AppendLogtoFile(logDir, storeKey, $"UploadFilestoS3Async: General exception with Store Key: {storeKey}, register type: {registerType}, error: {ex.Message} stack trace: {ex.StackTrace}", LogType.Error);

我遇到的问题是在 xmlBucket 中,当所有 zip 文件和其他 xml 文件都在 zipBucket 中上传时,并非所有 xmlFile 都被上传。我希望“xmlBucket”只有 .xml 文件,而“zipBucket”只有 .zip 文件。我是否以不正确的方式实现异步方法?任何建议表示赞赏。

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