
时间:2021-04-22 19:52:35

标签: c++ assembly x86-64 inline-assembly

与 C++ 相比,程序在汇编语言中给出了错误的计算,我找不到错误。有什么想法吗?

// (2 * c + b + a - 5) / (a / 4 - 1)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void print_of() {
    cout << "Overflow error\n";

void print_zf() {
    cout << "Division by zero error\n";

int main() {
    long int a, b, c;
    long int asm_answer;
    cout << "(2 * c + b + a - 5) / (a / 4 - 1)\n";
    cout << "Enter a, b, c: ";
    cin >> a >> b >> c;
    // eax, ebx, ecx - general-purpose registers, its specific abilities don't matter in this laboratory work
    __asm {
        ; a / 4
        mov rax, a; rax = a
        mov rbx, 4; rbx = 4
        cqo; Convert Quad to Octa (rax -> rdx:rax)
        idiv rbx; division with a sign (dividend should be in rdx:rax -> quotient in rax, remainder in rdx)
        ; a / 4 - 1
        dec rax; decrement
        jo of_error; overflow error
        jz zf_error; if rax = 0, there will be division by zefo error
        ; reset
        push rax; push (a / 4 - 1) in stack
        ; 2 * c
        mov rax, c; rax = c
        imul rax, 2; rax = rax * 2
        jo of_error; overflow error
        ; 2 * c + b
        mov rdx, b; rdx = b
        add rax, rdx; rax = rax + rdx
        jo of_error; overflow error
        ; 2 * c + b + a
        mov rdx, a; rdx = a
        add rax, rdx; rax = rax + rdx
        jo of_error; overflow error
        ; 2 * c + b + a - 5
        sub rax, -5; rax = rax - 5
        jo of_error; overflow error
        ; rax = 2 * c + b - 5, rbx = a / 4 - 1
        pop rbx; rbx = a / 4 - 1
        ; (2 * c + b + a - 5) / (a / 4 - 1)
        cqo; Convert Quad to Octa (rax -> rdx:rax)
        idiv rbx; division with a sign (dividend should be in rdx:rax -> quotient in rax, remainder in rdx)
        mov asm_answer, rax
        jmp ext; "exit" is reserved
        call print_of; print overflow error (exit in function!)
        call print_zf; print division by zero error (exit in function!)
    cout << "asm result: " << asm_answer << "\n";
    cout << "C++ result: " << (2 * c + b + a - 5) / (a / 4 - 1) << "\n";
    return 0;



输入a、b、c:100 0 20 汇编结果:6 C++ 结果:5 程序以退出代码结束:0



输入a、b、c:0 0 0 汇编结果:-5 C++ 结果:5 程序以退出代码结束:0

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