如何通过鼠标拖动来滚动 div?反应钩子

时间:2021-04-21 08:42:44

标签: javascript reactjs scroll react-hooks drag

我正在制作一个轮播应用,我想了解如何通过拖动来滚动轮播中的项目。我希望能够通过用鼠标拖动“carousel-content”div 的子项来滚动它们。

目前,“carousel-content-wrapper”是一个带有 overflow: scroll 的 flexbox 组件,在移动设备上通过触摸滑动它可以正常工作。但是,我希望能够在桌面上执行相同的操作 - 用鼠标轻扫项目,让项目跟随鼠标移动,就像您用手指滚动一样。

function Carousel(props) {
    const {children} = props
    const [index, setIndex] = useState(0)
    const [array, setArray] = useState([])
    const [length, setLength] = useState(children.length)
    const mobile = window.innerWidth > 768 ? "false" : "true"
    // setting up breakpoints for easy responsiveness

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [children])

    const next = () => {
        if (index < (length-1))  {
            setIndex(prevState => prevState + 1)
        // sets the index to next if you are not on the last slide

    const previous = () => {
        if (index > 0) {
            setIndex(prevState => prevState - 1)
        // sets the index to be the previous if you are further than first slide

    return (
        <div className="carousel-outer-container" style={{
            height: props.outerHeight, 
            width: props.outerWidth,
            padding: props.outerPadding,
        <div className="carousel-inner-container" style={{height: props.innerHeight, width: props.innerWidth}}>
            <div className="carousel-wrapper"        
               { index > 0 && <button className="left-arrow" onClick={previous}>
                </button> }
                <div className="carousel-content-wrapper" >
               { index < children.length - props.show &&    <button className="right-arrow" onClick={next}>
                {/* the sliding is done by the translateX below. it translates by (100% of the slides * the index of the slide) from the starting position.  */}
                    <div className="carousel-content"  
                    style={{transform: mobile === "false" && `translateX(-${index * 100 }%)`,
                            width: mobile === "false" && `${100 / props.show}%`}}


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