
时间:2009-03-22 20:31:08

标签: python html perl common-lisp templating

Common Lisp的人有CL-WHO,这使得HTML模板与“主”语言集成在一起,从而使任务更容易。对于那些不了解CL-WHO的人,它看起来像这样(例如来自CL-WHO的网页):

(with-html-output (*http-stream*)
(:table :border 0 :cellpadding 4
  (loop for i below 25 by 5
     do (htm
         (:tr :align "right"
          (loop for j from i below (+ i 5)
                do (htm
                    (:td :bgcolor (if (oddp j)
                         (fmt "~@R" (1+ j))))))))))


10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


使用提供的CL-WHO示例的表格部分(减去罗马数字和s / background-color / color /将代码压缩到屏幕宽度!)....


use Builder;
my $builder = Builder->new;
my $h = $builder->block( 'Builder::XML' );

$h->table( { border => 0, cellpadding => 4 }, sub {
   for ( my $i = 1; $i < 25; $i += 5 ) {
       $h->tr( { align => 'right' }, sub {
           for my $j (0..4) {
               $h->td( { color => $j % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' }, $i + $j );

say $builder->render;

HTML :: AsSubs

use HTML::AsSubs;

my $td = sub {
    my $i = shift;
    return map { 
        td( { color => $_ % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' }, $i + $_ )
    } 0..4;

say table( { border => 0, cellpadding => 4 },
    map { 
        &tr( { align => 'right' }, $td->( $_ ) ) 
    } loop( below => 25, by => 5 )

HTML ::微小

use HTML::Tiny;
my $h = HTML::Tiny->new;

my $td = sub {
    my $i = shift;
    return map { 
        $h->td( { 'color' => $_ % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' }, $i + $_ )
    } 0..4;

say $h->table(
    { border => 0, cellpadding => 4 },
        map { 
            $h->tr( { align => 'right' }, [ $td->( $_ ) ] )  
        } loop( below => 25, by => 5 )    


use Markapl;

template 'MyTable' => sub {
    table ( border => 0, cellpadding => 4 ) {
       for ( my $i = 1; $i < 25; $i += 5 ) {
           row ( align => 'right' ) {
               for my $j ( 0.. 4 ) {
                   td ( color => $j % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' ) { $i + $j }

print main->render( 'MyTable' );


package MyTemplates;
use Template::Declare::Tags;
use base 'Template::Declare';

template 'MyTable' => sub {
    table {
        attr { border => 0, cellpadding => 4 };
        for ( my $i = 1; $i < 25; $i += 5 ) {
            row  {
                attr { align => 'right' };
                    for my $j ( 0..4 ) {
                        cell {
                            attr { color => $j % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' } 
                            outs $i + $j;

package main;
use Template::Declare;
Template::Declare->init( roots => ['MyTemplates'] );
print Template::Declare->show( 'MyTable' );

XML ::发电机

use XML::Generator;
my $x = XML::Generator->new( pretty => 2 );

my $td = sub {
    my $i = shift;
    return map { 
        $x->td( { 'color' => $_ % 2 ? 'pink' : 'green' }, $i + $_ )
    } 0..4;

say $x->table(
    { border => 0, cellpadding => 4 },
    map { 
        $x->tr( { align => 'right' }, $td->( $_ ) )  
    } loop( below => 25, by => 5 )    

以下内容可用于在HTML :: AsSubs / HTML :: Tiny / XML :: Generator示例中生成“循环”....

sub loop {
    my ( %p ) = @_;
    my @list;

    for ( my $i = $p{start} || 1; $i < $p{below}; $i += $p{by} ) {
        push @list, $i;

    return @list;

答案 1 :(得分:6)

The Perl Foundation当前授权赞助项目中的一个(lightweight web framework for Perl 6)具有provides a similar interface的工作Perl6代码:

use Tags;
say show {
    html {
        head { title { 'Tags Demo' } }
        body {
            outs "hi";
            ul :id<numberlist> {
                outs "A list from one to ten:";
                for 1..10 {
                    li :class<number>, { $_ }


答案 2 :(得分:5)


use CGI ':standard';
use Lisp::Fmt 

print header();

print table( { -border => 1, -cellpading => 4},
    loop({ below => 25, by=> 5}, sub {
        my $i = shift;
        tr( {-align => 'right'} ,
            loop({ from => $i, below $i + 5}, sub {
                my $j = shift;
                td({-bgcolor => ($oddp eq $j ? 'pink' : 'green')}
                    fmt("~@R", 1+$j);

我试图保持lispy,所以你必须自己实现一个lispy loop函数。我没有真正编写Common List,所以我希望我能正确理解你的代码。

答案 3 :(得分:4)

stan一种类似s表达式的语法,用于在{python 中表达xml,来自Divmod's Nevow。我认为这是你想要的。链接教程中的一个例子:

t = T.table[
               T.td[ "Name:" ],
               T.td[ original.name ]
               T.td[ "Email:" ],
               T.td[T.a(href='mailto:%s' % original.email)[ original.email ] ]
               T.td[ "Password:" ],
               T.td[ "******" ]

答案 4 :(得分:3)



use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI qw/:standard/;

    start_html("An example"),
            -align => "left",
            -class => "headerinfo",
        'this is an example'
    "The CGI module has functions that add HTML:",
    ul( map li($_),
        "h1, h2, h3, etc.",
        "ol, ul, li",
        "ol, ul, li",
        "table, tr, th, td")
    "and many more.",


<!DOCTYPE html
        PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
<title>An example</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<h1 class="headerinfo" align="left">this is an example</h1>The CGI module has functions that add HTML:<ul><li>start_html</li> <li>h1, h2, h3, etc.</li> <li>ol, ul, li</li> <li>ol, ul, li</li> <li>table, tr, th, td</li></ul>and many more.


print ol(map li($_), @list);


答案 5 :(得分:3)



(use 'compojure.html

 [:table {:border 0 :cellpadding 4}
  (map (fn [tds] [:tr {:align "right"} tds])
       (partition 5 (map (fn [num color]
                           [:td {:bgcolor color}
                            (cl-format nil "~@R" (inc num))])
                         (range 25)
                         (cycle ["green" "pink"]))))])

Compojure的HTML库充分利用了Clojure的文字哈希映射作为属性/值对,并且使用文字向量代替标签而不是列表,这有助于标签突出一点,避免了对宏魔法的一些需求。 / p>

partition将一个集合分成若干个元素组。 cycle生成一个无限重复的集合元素列表。这些加号rangemap可帮助您避免显式循环和计数器变量。

答案 6 :(得分:1)


T.div({ className: "content"},
      T.p("Some ", T.u("paragraph")),
      T.p("Another paragraph"))

答案 7 :(得分:1)


Haskell有一个HTML组合库,与CL-WHO没有什么不同。然而,懒惰的函数编程方法确实导致了与Common Lisp中的循环工具不同的惯用迭代结构:

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Text.Html
-- from http://fawcett.blogspot.com/2007/08/roman-numerals-in-haskell.html
import RomanNumerals

-- Simple roman numeral conversion; returns "" if it cannot convert.
rom :: Int -> String
rom r = let m = toRoman r
        in (map toUpper . maybe "" id) m

-- Group a list N elements at a time.
-- groupN 2 [1,2,3,4,5] == [[1,2],[3,4],[5]]
groupN n [] = []
groupN n xs = let (a, b) = splitAt n xs in a : (groupN n b)

pink = "pink" -- for convenience below; green is already covered by Text.Html

rom_table = table ! [border 0, cellpadding 4] << trs
      -- a list of <tr> entries
      trs = map (rom_tr . map rom_td) rom_array

      -- generates a <tr> from a list of <td>s
      rom_tr tds = tr ! [align "right"] << tds

      -- generates a <td> given a numeral and a color
      rom_td (r, c) = td ! [bgcolor c] << r

      -- our 5 x 5 array (list x list) of numerals and colors
      rom_array = (groupN 5 . take 25) rom_colors

      -- a theoretically infinite list of pairs of roman numerals and colors
      -- (practically, though, the roman numeral library has limits!)
      rom_colors = zip (map rom [1..]) colors

      -- an infinite list of alternating green and pink colors
      colors = cycle [green, pink]

main = let s = prettyHtml rom_table 
       in putStrLn s


答案 8 :(得分:1)

html-tagsChicken Scheme扩展名。 html-tags生成[X] HTML或SXML。


(<table> border: 0 cellpadding: 4
   (loop for i below 25 by 5
         (<tr> align: "right"
                (loop for j from i below (+ i 5)
                      (<td> bgcolor: (if (odd? j)
                            (+ 1 j))))))))

我添加了循环和html-utils扩展的链接(它建立在html标签之上),但stackoverflow正在考虑我是垃圾邮件发送者并且只允许我发布最多两个链接。 / p>

答案 9 :(得分:0)

Racket 的内置 XML library 具有此功能。它能够从“X 表达式”生成 XML/HTML。例如:

#lang racket
(require xml)

(define my-name "XYZ")
(define my-list '("One" "Two" "Three"))
(define my-html
     (head (title "Hello!")
           (meta ((charset "utf-8"))))
     (body (h1 "Hello!")
           (p "This is a paragraph.")

           ;; HTML attributes.
           (p ((id "some-id")
               (class "some-class"))
              "This is another paragraph.")
           (p "This is a link: " (a ((href "https://example.com")) "Example"))

           ;; Unquoting.
           (p "My name is: " ,my-name ".")
           (p ,(string-append "My name is: " my-name "."))  ; Same thing.

           (ul (li "One")
               (li "Two")
               (li "Three"))
           ;; Programatically generate the same list as above.
           (ul ,@(map (lambda (x)
                        `(li ,x))

           ,(comment "This is a HTML comment."))))

(displayln (string-append "<!DOCTYPE html>"
                          (xexpr->string my-html)))