问题是我必须编写一个函数来计算每 100 克食品的近似卡路里数,给出来自营养成分标签的一些信息,并且它必须具有以下参数:
name=str(input("enter the name of the item: "))
serving = int(input("Enter the serving size in gram: "))
fat = float(input("Enter the grams of fat in a serving: "))
carb = float(input("Enter the grams of carbohydrates in a serving: "))
protein = float(input("Enter the grams of protein in a serving: "))
proteinValue = int(protein) * 4
carbValue = int(carb) * 4
fatValue = int(fat) * 9
servingValue = int(serving) / int(fatValue) + int(carbValue) + int(proteinValue) * 100
有人可以建议如何添加一个变量,根据用户输入的份量来调整计算每 100 克的份量吗?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
关于结果以 100 克份为单位的要求,您需要根据份量(100 克)来调整份量结果。
def calculate_portion_calories(serving_grams, fat_grams, carb_grams, protein_grams, portion_grams=100):
calories_per_serving = protein_grams * 4 + carb_grams * 4 + fat_grams * 9
portion_serving_ratio = portion_grams / serving_grams
return portion_serving_ratio * calories_per_serving
food_name = input("Name of food: ")
serving_grams = int(input("Serving size in gram: "))
fat_grams = float(input("Grams of fat in a serving: "))
carb_grams = float(input("Gams of carbohydrates in a serving: "))
protein_grams = float(input("Enter the grams of protein in a serving: "))
print(calculate_portion_calories(serving_grams, fat_grams, carb_grams, protein_grams))
Name of food: Candy Bar
Serving size in gram: 50
Grams of fat in a serving: 20
Gams of carbohydrates in a serving: 20
Enter the grams of protein in a serving: 10
Candy Bar