C ++在编译时将整数转换为字符串

时间:2011-07-15 21:37:49

标签: c++ string templates boost boost-mpl


template<int N>
char* foo() {
  // return a compile-time string containing N, equivalent to doing
  // ostringstream ostr; 
  // ostr << N;
  // return ostr.str().c_str();

似乎boost MPL库可能允许这样但我无法弄清楚如何使用它来实现这一点。这可能吗?

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:22)






  1. 使用要转换的数字编写递归模板。模板将递归到基本情况,即数字小于10。
  2. 在每次迭代中,您可以将N%10位数转换为T.E.D.建议,使用mpl::string来构建追加该字符的编译时字符串。
  3. 您最终会构建一个mpl::string,其中包含一个静态value()字符串。
  4. 我花时间将其作为个人练习来实施。最后还不错:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/mpl/string.hpp>
    using namespace boost;
    // Recursive case
    template <bool b, unsigned N>
    struct int_to_string2
            typedef typename mpl::push_back<
                    typename int_to_string2< N < 10, N/10>::type
                                             , mpl::char_<'0' + N%10>
                                             >::type type;
    // Base case
    template <>
    struct int_to_string2<true,0>
            typedef mpl::string<> type;
    template <unsigned N>
    struct int_to_string
            typedef typename mpl::c_str<typename int_to_string2< N < 10 , N>::type>::type type;
    main (void)
            std::cout << int_to_string<1099>::type::value << std::endl;
            return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:17)

我知道这个问题现在已经有几年了,但是我想要一个使用纯C ++ 11的解决方案,没有增强依赖性。所以这里有一些代码(从this answer to a different question借来的想法):


/* calculate absolute value */
constexpr int abs_val (int x)
    { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }

/* calculate number of digits needed, including minus sign */
constexpr int num_digits (int x)
    { return x < 0 ? 1 + num_digits (-x) : x < 10 ? 1 : 1 + num_digits (x / 10); }

/* metaprogramming string type: each different string is a unique type */
template<char... args>
struct metastring {
    const char data[sizeof... (args)] = {args...};

/* recursive number-printing template, general case (for three or more digits) */
template<int size, int x, char... args>
struct numeric_builder {
    typedef typename numeric_builder<size - 1, x / 10, '0' + abs_val (x) % 10, args...>::type type;

/* special case for two digits; minus sign is handled here */
template<int x, char... args>
struct numeric_builder<2, x, args...> {
    typedef metastring<x < 0 ? '-' : '0' + x / 10, '0' + abs_val (x) % 10, args...> type;

/* special case for one digit (positive numbers only) */
template<int x, char... args>
struct numeric_builder<1, x, args...> {
    typedef metastring<'0' + x, args...> type;

/* convenience wrapper for numeric_builder */
template<int x>
class numeric_string
    /* generate a unique string type representing this number */
    typedef typename numeric_builder<num_digits (x), x, '\0'>::type type;

    /* declare a static string of that type (instantiated later at file scope) */
    static constexpr type value {};

    /* returns a pointer to the instantiated string */
    static constexpr const char * get ()
        { return value.data; }

/* instantiate numeric_string::value as needed for different numbers */
template<int x>
constexpr typename numeric_string<x>::type numeric_string<x>::value;


#include <stdio.h>

/* exponentiate a number, just for fun */
static constexpr int exponent (int x, int e)
    { return e ? x * exponent (x, e - 1) : 1; }

/* test a few sample numbers */
static constexpr const char * five = numeric_string<5>::get ();
static constexpr const char * one_ten = numeric_string<110>::get ();
static constexpr const char * minus_thirty = numeric_string<-30>::get ();

/* works for any constant integer, including constexpr calculations */
static constexpr const char * eight_cubed = numeric_string<exponent (8, 3)>::get ();

int main (void)
    printf ("five = %s\n", five);
    printf ("one ten = %s\n", one_ten);
    printf ("minus thirty = %s\n", minus_thirty);
    printf ("eight cubed = %s\n", eight_cubed);

    return 0;


five = 5
one ten = 110
minus thirty = -30
eight cubed = 512

答案 2 :(得分:4)


 #define NUM(x) #x


答案 3 :(得分:3)


return '0' + N;


哦,我知道这会返回char而不是std::string。这是一个功能。 string不是内置语言类型,因此无法在编译时创建一个。

答案 4 :(得分:2)


template <int i, bool gTen>
struct UintToStrImpl
   UintToStrImpl<i / 10, (i > 90)> c;
   const char c0 = '0' + i % 10;

template <int i>
struct UintToStrImpl <i, false> 
   const char c0 = '0' + i; 

template <int i, bool sign>
struct IntToStrImpl
   UintToStrImpl<i, (i > 9)> num_;

template <int i>
struct IntToStrImpl <i, false>
   const char sign = '-';
   UintToStrImpl<-i, (-i > 9)> num_;

template <int i>
struct IntToStr
   IntToStrImpl<i, (i >= 0)> num_;
   const char end = '\0';
   const char* str = (char*)this;

std::cout << IntToStr<-15450>().str;

答案 5 :(得分:0)

现在可以在C ++ 17及更高版本中实现此操作,而无需任何外部依赖性,并且转换完全在编译时完成。我已将代码打包在一个简短的头文件中,请在GitHub上查看constexpr-to-string。该代码还支持不同的基数和字符宽度。


const char *number = to_string<2147483648999954564, 16>; // produces "1DCD65003B9A1884"
puts(to_string<-42>); // produces "-42"
puts(to_string<30, 2>); // produces "11110"

// Below requires C++20
puts(f_to_string<3.1415926>); // Defaults to 5-point precision: "3.14159"
puts(f_to_string<{3.1415926, 7}>); // Specify precision: "3.1415926"