Pandas 规范化字典列表

时间:2021-04-16 11:10:20

标签: python pandas pymongo

我目前正在尝试编辑来自 Mongo DB 的数据。我已经能够将数据读入数据帧。但是,我有一个问题,即在数据框中,一列包含一个字典列表。我已经尝试使用 pd.json.normalize 编辑数据,但我收到错误“浮动”对象没有属性“值”。如何将列转换为新的数据框?


状态 消息 变量
1. ok [{'key': 'A1', 'value': '1', 'vartype: '1'}, {'key': 'A2', 'value ': '0', 'vartype: '1'}, {'key': 'A3', 'value': '1', 'vartype: '1]


df3 = pd.json_normalize(df3['vars'])
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-164-da47e4ddf140> in <module>
----> 1 df3 = pd.json_normalize(df3['vars'])

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/json/ in _json_normalize(data, record_path, meta, meta_prefix, record_prefix, errors, sep, max_level)
    269     if record_path is None:
--> 270         if any([isinstance(x, dict) for x in y.values()] for y in data):
    271             # naive normalization, this is idempotent for flat records
    272             # and potentially will inflate the data considerably for

/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/json/ in <genexpr>(.0)
    269     if record_path is None:
--> 270         if any([isinstance(x, dict) for x in y.values()] for y in data):
    271             # naive normalization, this is idempotent for flat records
    272             # and potentially will inflate the data considerably for

AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'values'

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IIUC 使用:

df3 = pd.json_normalize(df3['vars'].dropna())