LIME 解释器给出与实际模型预测不同的预测输出

时间:2021-04-13 21:03:09

标签: python machine-learning nlp artificial-intelligence

这实际上是 2 个独立的问题,其中一个不太重要,但我会在最后补充。


This model is a yelp review star rating predictor, you can see here the lime explainer output for labels and their probabilities

这个模型是一个 yelp 评论星级预测器,你可以在这里看到标签及其概率的石灰解释器输出

Here is the original model's output for the labels and their respective probabilities. You can see that the probabilities from here match exactly with the ones from the previous image



import re
import lime.lime_text
import numpy as np
import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path
def strip_formatting(string):
    string = string.lower()
    string = re.sub(r"([.!?,'/()])", r" \1 ", string)
    return string
def tokenize_string(string):
    return string.split()
classifier = fasttext.load_model('fasttext_nlp_model.bin')
explainer = lime.lime_text.LimeTextExplainer(
    class_names=["No Stars", "1 Star", "2 Stars", "3 Stars", "4 Stars", "5 Stars"]
#sort the probabilities for of labels in order from least to greatest and return all as list
def fasttext_prediction_in_sklearn_format(classifier, texts):
    res = []
    labels, probabilities = classifier.predict(texts, 10)
    for label, probs, text in zip(labels, probabilities, texts):
        order = np.argsort(np.array(label))
    return np.array(res)
# Review to explain
# review = "So I was there last night and after I finished my food I go up to pay and tell the lady I'm paying for table #99, she tells me it's $99. Knowing it's a joke I smile and hand her my cash, but her expression doesn't change and she repeats the amount, at this point I'm starting to panic thinking, could I be mixed up with someone else's bill? As I'm getting nervous the lady finally smiles and admits to joking and runs me up cackling the whole time and I'm laughing and feeling foolish. I've always loved this place for its good food, great prices, and generous portions, and it's open late so I can even manage to eat leisurely after work, I recommend this place to all my friends."
review = "The food was great, kidding not really."
preprocessed_review = strip_formatting(review)
exp = explainer.explain_instance(
    classifier_fn=lambda x: fasttext_prediction_in_sklearn_format(classifier, x),
    #number of labels to explain
    #number of words to look at

我的第二个问题很简单。在这一行中:labels, probabilities = classifier.predict(texts, 10),当我使用一个小于 4 的数字时,exp.show_in_notebook 命令只是给出一个空白输出。为什么会这样?

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