
时间:2021-04-07 12:16:21

标签: winapi rust


use bindings::Windows::Win32::DisplayDevices::POINT;
use bindings::Windows::Win32::Gdi::{GetPixel, GetWindowDC, HDC};
use bindings::Windows::Win32::SystemServices::{BOOL, PSTR};
use bindings::Windows::Win32::WindowsAndMessaging::{self, FindWindowA, HWND};
use std::ffi::CString;

fn main() {
    let mut window_name_2 = "Window Title";
    let hwnd;

    unsafe { hwnd = FindWindowA(std::ptr::null_mut(), window_name_2) }


pub unsafe fn FindWindowA<'a, T0__, T1__>(lpclassname: T0__, lpwindowname: T1__) -> HWND
    T0__: ::windows::IntoParam<'a, super::superSystemServices::PSTR>,
    T1__: ::windows::IntoParam<'a, super::superSystemServices::PSTR>,
the trait bound `*mut _: windows::traits::into_param::IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not satisfied
the trait `windows::traits::into_param::IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not implemented for `*mut _`rustcE0277
main.rs(1, 1): required by a bound in this
windows.rs(311, 23): required by this bound in `FindWindowA`


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

version 0.8.0 的更新

windows-rs 包的 0.8.0 版改用 impl Trait,使签名更易于阅读,同时也简化了错误诊断。


error[E0277]: the trait bound `*mut _: IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not satisfied
   --> src\main.rs:11:21
11  |     unsafe { hwnd = FindWindowA(std::ptr::null_mut(), window_name_2) }
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not implemented for `*mut _`
   ::: C:\...\target\debug\build\findwindow_test-67a9095d9a724f24\out/windows.rs:129:27
129 |             pub unsafe fn FindWindowA<'a>(
    |                           ----------- required by a bound in this
130 |                 lpclassname: impl ::windows::IntoParam<'a, super::SystemServices::PSTR>,
    |                                   ----------------------------------------------------- required by this bound in `FindWindowA`

潜在问题仍然与以前相同(见下文):IntoParam 特征未针对所涉及的类型组合实现。之前的解决方案(见下文)仍然有效,尽管 0.8.0 版还引入了一个 NULL 常量,因此以下解决方案同样有效:

unsafe { hwnd = FindWindowA(PSTR::NULL, window_name_2) }

GitHub 存储库还引入了一个 FAQ,其中包含有关此特定主题的条目 (How do I read the signatures of generated functions and methods? What's with IntoParam?)


error[E0277]: the trait bound `*mut _: IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not satisfied
   --> src\main.rs:11:21
11  |     unsafe { hwnd = FindWindowA(std::ptr::null_mut(), window_name_2) }
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `IntoParam<'_, PSTR>` is not implemented for `*mut _`
   ::: C:\...\target\debug\build\findwindow_test-805b35ca49628608\out/windows.rs:117:27
117 |             pub unsafe fn FindWindowA<
    |                           ----------- required by a bound in this
118 |                 'a,
119 |                 T0__: ::windows::IntoParam<'a, super::SystemServices::PSTR>,
    |                       ----------------------------------------------------- required by this bound in `FindWindowA`

它告诉你哪个参数不符合要求,即T0__,第一个。无法实现 IntoParam 特性将 *mut _ 转换为 PSTRIntoParam trait 的目的是允许在 Rust 类型(如 &str)和 ABI 类型(如 PSTR)之间方便地转换。

为了解决这个问题,你可以构造一个默认的 PSTR 代替,即

unsafe { hwnd = FindWindowA(PSTR::default(), window_name_2) }
