Dart / Flutter:在继续之前等待循环完成......(异步等待?)

时间:2021-04-07 08:01:59

标签: flutter loops dart asynchronous async-await


只要列表不是太大,它就可以正常工作。但是现在,我得到“Getter 长度被调用为空”。我想,这是因为函数的第二部分(循环之后)在子列表完成之前开始......所以它不起作用......

我们如何强制函数等待循环结束以继续其余的处理? 是使用 Async /Await 吗?或者我们可以做一些类似“虽然......事情还没有结束......”或“一旦某事完成......就这样做”? (我的建议可能很幼稚,但我是初学者...)


List themeBankFr() {
  List<Map> themeBankFr = [];
  for (Word word in wordBank) {
    for (Thematique wordTheme in word.theme) {
        'themeFr': wordTheme.themeFr,
        'image': wordTheme.image,
// convert each item to a string by using JSON encoding
  final jsonList = themeBankFr.map((item) => jsonEncode(item)).toList();

  // using toSet - toList strategy
  final uniqueJsonList = jsonList.toSet().toList();

  // convert each item back to the original form using JSON decoding
  final result = uniqueJsonList.map((item) => jsonDecode(item)).toList();

  // sort the list of map in alphabetical order
  result.sort((m1, m2) {
    var r = m1['themeFr'].compareTo(m2['themeFr']);
    if (r != 0) return r;
    return m1['image'].compareTo(m2['image']);

  return result;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


首先创建另一个函数来完成 for 循环的工作,该函数返回您需要的列表的未来,如下所示

Future<List<Map>> futureList(List wordBank){
  List<Map> themeBankFr = [];
  for (Word word in wordBank) {
    for (Thematique wordTheme in word.theme) {
        'themeFr': wordTheme.themeFr,
        'image': wordTheme.image,
  return Future.value(themeBankFr);


List themeBankFr() async {
  List<Map> themeBankFr = await futureList(wordBank);
// convert each item to a string by using JSON encoding
  final jsonList = themeBankFr.map((item) => jsonEncode(item)).toList();

  // using toSet - toList strategy
  final uniqueJsonList = jsonList.toSet().toList();

  // convert each item back to the original form using JSON decoding
  final result = uniqueJsonList.map((item) => jsonDecode(item)).toList();

  // sort the list of map in alphabetical order
  result.sort((m1, m2) {
    var r = m1['themeFr'].compareTo(m2['themeFr']);
    if (r != 0) return r;
    return m1['image'].compareTo(m2['image']);

  return result;
