next-i18next 在构建期间使用了错误的资源设置

时间:2021-04-06 10:58:09

标签: reactjs next.js i18next next-i18next

我有一个使用子路径路由的具有 4 个语言环境的应用程序。在开发过程中它运行良好,但在构建过程中使用了错误的语言环境集。这会导致页面加载错误翻译,然后转向更正导致闪烁的页面。这发生在本地和生产中(我使用 vercel)。而且它不依赖于活动的子路径(我在、 等上获得随机页面版本)。


const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  // config for next's internationalized routing
  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: "en",
    locales: ["en", "de", "fr", "cn"],
    localeDetection: false,

  // config for i18next
  localePath: path.resolve("./src/locales"),
  fallbackLng: "en",
  defaultNS: [],

我的 getStaticProps src/pages/index.tsx

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ locale }) => {
  console.log("getting static props for", locale);
  return {
    props: {
      ...(await serverSideTranslations(locale!, [

然后是我的 src/pages/index.tsx 本身

const IndexPage = () => {
  const { locale } = useRouter();
  console.log('rendering index page for', locale);

  return <div><Navbar /></div>


const Navbar = () => {
  const { locale } = useRouter();
  const { t } = useTranslation('navigation');

  console.log(`from nav: locale is ${locale} and translation is ${t('navigation:pricing')}`);

  return <nav>...</nav>


getting static props for en
getting static props for de
getting static props for fr
getting static props for cn
from nav: locale is en and translation is Tarifs
rendering index page for en
from nav: locale is de and translation is Tarifs
rendering index page for de
from nav: locale is fr and translation is Preise
rendering index page for fr
from nav: locale is cn and translation is Preise
rendering index page for cn


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