Print() 输出到 apache2 错误日志而不是屏幕

时间:2021-04-03 14:11:20

标签: python wsgi mod

我已安装 mod_wsgi 并将其配置为运行 Python 文件 (WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi /var/www/html/。 包含以下内容(它显示 HTML 代码 OK,但将 print() 发送到 apache2 错误日志)。 请问,如何在HTML页面上显示时间:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

import time;  # This is required to include time module.

localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
print ("Local current time :", localtime, " this got from a Python file<BR>")

def application(environ,start_response):
    status = '200 OK'

    html = '<html>\n' \
            '<CENTER>\n' \
            '<HEAD>\n' \
            '<title></title>\n' \
            '\n' \
           '</HEAD>\n' \
           '<body bgcolor="#dbd7d2">\n' \
            '<font color="red">\n' \
            'Note that if only an extract is to be processed, the entire clip will be downloaded and then the extract will be processed<BR>\n' \
             '<font color="black">\n' \
           '<FORM action="" method="post">\n' \
           '<TABLE>\n' \
           '\n' \
            '<div style= "text-align:center;">\n' \
            '<TD> Select mode for down load</TD>\n' \
             '<TD><select id="fullVideo" name="fullVideo" size="2" autocomplete="off"/> \n' \
            '<option value="FullVideo" selected>Download full YouTube video</option>\n' \
            '<option value="Extract" >Download extract from the YouTube video</option\n>' \
            '</SELECT>\n' \
            '<TD>\n' \
            '\n' \
            '</TD>\n' \
            '\n' \
            '<TR><TD> Enter the URL of the Video to be downoaded</TD><TD><h5 style="color:yellow;" ></h5><input type="text" id="url" name="url" autocomplete="off"/>\n' \
            '<TR><TD>Enter start that the download is to be downloaded in (hh:mm:ss) format</TD>\n' \
             '<TD><input type="text" id="start" name="start" autocomplete="off"/></TD><TR>\n' \
            '<TR><TD>Enter end time that the download is to be downloaded to in (hh:mm:ss) format</TD>\n' \
             '<TD><input type="text" id="finish" name="finish" autocomplete="off"/></TD><TR>\n' \
            ' <button id="button1" style="color: blue"; onclick="validate();">Validate Inputs</button>\n' \
            ' <button style="color:green"; onclick="startDownload();">Start Download</button>\n' \
            '<input style= "background-color: pink"; type="text" id="OkToGo1" name="OkToGo1" value="No">\n' \
            '<input style= "background-color: red"; type="text" id="OkToGo2" name="OkToGo2" value="No">\n' \
            '<input style= "background-color: yellow"; type="text" id="DoTheDownload" name="DoTheDownload" value="No Download">\n' \
            ' <TD><CENTER><button id="button3" style="color: blue"; onclick="window.location =localhost/YouTubeAudioDownload.php;  ">Enter New Params</button></TD>\n' \
            '</TABLE>\n' \
           '</div>\n' \
           '</form>\n' \
           '</body>\n' \

    response_header = [('Content-type','text/html')]
    return [html]

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