
时间:2011-07-14 10:35:13

标签: grails groovy


class FacebookService implements InitializingBean, GroovyInterceptable {
def getUserLikes(def at){
List<String> listOfUrls = []
    String basicFbUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/"
    String likeUrl = basicFbUrl + "me/likes?access_token=${at}"
    URL url = new URL(likeUrl)
    String jsonResponse = getResponseFromUrl(url)
    println "JSON RESPONSE IS ${jsonResponse}" // this is showing null

String getResponseFromUrl() {
  String something

  String resp = null;
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    try {
        int respCode = conn.responseCode
        if (respCode == 400) {
            log.error("COULD NOT MAKE CONNECTION")
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream()));
            def jsonResp = JSON.parse(br.text)
        } else {
            resp = conn.getInputStream().getText()
    } finally {

    println("RETURNIG RESPONSE ${resp}") // This returns me a map as expected 

    return resp; 

不知道resp在哪里?有什么建议吗? 好的,我知道罪魁祸首,我发布了invokeMethod的代码

def invokeMethod(String name, args){
    System.out.println("IN INVOKE METHOD NAME ${name}")
        facebookPalsCache = new FacebookPalsCache(1000)
    System.out.println("time before ${name} called: ${new Date()}")

    //Get the method that was originally called.
    def calledMethod = metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
    System.out.println("CALLED METHOD IS ${calledMethod}")

    //The "?" operator first checks to see that the "calledMethod" is not
    //null (i.e. it exists).
        println "getFriends..."
        def session = RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes().getSession()
        def friends = facebookPalsCache.get(session.facebook.uid)
            def getFriends = facebookGraphService.invokeMethod (name, args)
            println "Saving FBFRIENDS in CACHE"
            facebookPalsCache.put(session.facebook.uid, getFriends)
            return getFriends
        else return friends

    else {
            System.out.println("IN IF AND INVOKING METHOD ${calledMethod}")
            calledMethod.invoke(this, args)
        else {
            return facebookGraphService.invokeMethod(name, args)
    System.out.println "RETURNING FROM INVOKE METHOD FOR NAME ${name}"
    System.out.println("time after ${name} called: ${new Date()}\n")


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

除非有单独的invokeMethod,否则FacebookGraphService和服务的代码似乎不一样。假设是这种情况,那么respinvokeMethod块中的if (calledMethod) {部分捕获,但由于它不是方法的最后一行,因此它不会从拨打invokeMethod,因此被吞并了。

尝试添加返回calledMethod.invoke(this, args)

        System.out.println("IN IF AND INVOKING METHOD ${calledMethod}")
        return calledMethod.invoke(this, args)