
时间:2021-03-16 19:14:36

标签: python-3.x discord.py

所以我正在尝试发出 AFK 命令,但昵称不起作用。这是我的代码。

async def afk(context):
    name = context.author.display_name
    author = context.author
    guild = context.guild
    AFKrole = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="AFK")
    if not AFKrole:
        AFKrole = await guild.create_role(name="AFK")
    await context.member.edit(nick=f"[AFK]{name}")
    await author.add_roles(AFKrole)
    await context.send(f"I have added {author} to AFK.")

1 个答案:

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await ctx.author.edit(nick=f'[AFK]{name}') #ctx = context, but you can change it to context

或者尝试授予它 manage_nicknames 权限。
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