React 组件不会在 iOS 中重新渲染

时间:2021-03-16 08:52:10

标签: reactjs react-native render react-native-ios react-component


class MyClass {
    private MyConfig myConfig;

    public MyClass(MyConfig myConfig) {
        this.myConfig = myConfig;
        System.out.println( myConfig.getValue1() );


export class CustomMarker extends Component {

devicesInRegion() {
    return this.props.devices.filter((device) => device.regionId == this.props.region.regionId)

deviceStatus() {
    let devicesInRegion = this.devicesInRegion()
    let criticalCount = 0
    let warningCount = 0
    let goodCount = 0
    let nrCount = 0
    let polling = 0 => {
        if (this.props.critical.includes(device.sensorId)) {
            criticalCount += 1
        if (this.props.warning.includes(device.sensorId)) {
            warningCount += 1
        if (this.props.good.includes(device.sensorId)) {
            goodCount += 1
        if (this.props.NR.includes(device.sensorId)) {
            nrCount += 1
        if (this.props.Polling.includes(device.sensorId)) {
            polling += 1

        //Gives me Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops. error

    return {
        "critical": criticalCount,
        "warning": warningCount,
        "good": goodCount,
        'NR': nrCount,
        "Polling": polling

render() {
    return (

        <View style={{ minWidth: RFPercentage(1.5), backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'flex-end' }}>
                <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{this.deviceStatus().critical}</Text>
                <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{this.deviceStatus().warning}</Text>                    
                <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{this.deviceStatus().good}</Text>                    
                <Text style={innerStyles.markerText} >{this.deviceStatus().Polling}</Text>
                <Text style={innerStyles.markerText} >{this.deviceStatus().NR}</Text>

在 Android 中,值会立即更新,但在 iOS 中,值始终显示为零。但是在控制台中正确的值正在打印。任何人都可以建议我,当值更改时我如何重新渲染组件。


我将自定义标记包装在 <CustomMarker region={region} devices={this.state.userDevices} good={this.state.goodList} warning={this.state.warningList} critical={this.state.criticalList} NR={this.state.NRList} Polling={this.state.pollingList} /> 中并设置了 react-native-map,这使得 CustomMarker 不会在 iOS 中更新。对此有什么建议吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

当你调用 setState 函数改变状态(或 函数组件中 useState 钩子提供的函数)。



    export class CustomMarker extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
      this.state = { 
      critical: 0,
      warning: 0,
      good: 0,
      NR: 0,
      Polling: 0

    devicesInRegion() {
       return this.props.devices.filter((device) => device.regionId == this.props.region.regionId)
        let devicesInRegion = this.devicesInRegion()
        let criticalCount = 0
        let warningCount = 0
        let goodCount = 0
        let nrCount = 0
        let polling = 0 => {
            if (this.props.critical.includes(device.sensorId)) {
                criticalCount += 1
            if (this.props.warning.includes(device.sensorId)) {
                warningCount += 1
            if (this.props.good.includes(device.sensorId)) {
                goodCount += 1
            if (this.props.NR.includes(device.sensorId)) {
                nrCount += 1
            if (this.props.Polling.includes(device.sensorId)) {
                polling += 1

            critical: criticalCount,
            warning: warningCount,
            good: goodCount,
            NR: nrCount,
            Polling: polling
        render() {
           const {critical,warning,good,NR,Polling} = this.state;
            return (
                <View style={{ minWidth: RFPercentage(1.5), backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'flex-end' }}>
                        <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{critical}</Text>
                        <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{warning}</Text>                    
                        <Text style={innerStyles.markerText}>{good}</Text>                    
                        <Text style={innerStyles.markerText} >{Polling}</Text>
                        <Text style={innerStyles.markerText} >{NR}</Text>