在应用程序处于后台状态时运行 Modbus 查询

时间:2021-03-11 14:29:37

标签: ios swift bluetooth background-process modbus

我正在使用 Modbus 协议,在成功设置 TCP 连接后,我能够连接硬件并开始执行连续读取操作,并且在应用程序处于前台时一切正常。



class DemoFile: NSObject {

var mb: OpaquePointer?
var modbusQueue: DispatchQueue?
var ipAddress: NSString?

init(ipAddress: NSString, port: Int32, device: Int32) {
    modbusQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.iModbus.modbusQueue")
    let _ = self.setupTCP(ipAddress: ipAddress, port: port, device: device)

func setupTCP(ipAddress: NSString, port: Int32, device: Int32) -> Bool {
    self.ipAddress = ipAddress
    mb = modbus_new_tcp(ipAddress.cString(using: String.Encoding.ascii.rawValue) , port)
    var modbusErrorRecoveryMode = modbus_error_recovery_mode(0)
    modbusErrorRecoveryMode = modbus_error_recovery_mode(rawValue: MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_LINK.rawValue | MODBUS_ERROR_RECOVERY_PROTOCOL.rawValue)
    modbus_set_error_recovery(mb!, modbusErrorRecoveryMode)
    modbus_set_slave(mb!, device)
    return true

private func buildNSError(errno: Int32, errorString: NSString) -> NSError {
    var details: [String: Any] = [:]
    details[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = errorString
    let error = NSError(domain: "Modbus", code: Int(errno), userInfo: details)
    return error

private func buildNSError(errno: Int32) -> NSError {
    let errorString = NSString(utf8String: modbus_strerror(errno))
    return self.buildNSError(errno: errno, errorString: errorString!)

//Step 1 First I make a connection with my modbus RTU
 Function to establish modbus TCP connection with success and error handled
func connect(success: @escaping () -> Void, failure: @escaping (NSError) -> Void) {
    modbusQueue?.async {
        let ret = modbus_connect(self.mb!)
        if ret == -1 {
            let error = self.buildNSError(errno: errno)
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
        else {
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
//Step 2 I start perform read operations with my connected Modbus RTU
 Function to read register from the start of the address and till (according to the count)
 - parameter startaddress: the address of the starting register
 - parameter count: the number of consecutive registers to be read
func readRegistersFrom(startAddress: Int32, count: Int32, success: @escaping ([AnyObject]) -> Void, failure: @escaping (NSError) -> Void) {
    modbusQueue?.async {
        let tab_reg: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16> = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>.allocate(capacity: Int(count))
        if modbus_read_registers(self.mb!, startAddress, count, tab_reg) >= 0 {
            let returnArray: NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray(capacity: Int(count))
            for i in 0..<Int(count) {
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                success(returnArray as [AnyObject])
        else {
            let error = self.buildNSError(errno: errno)
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
//Step 3 It will gives me response
//Step 4 With the help of for Loop I am continue reading the values
////Calling the readInput Function for getting continue response
func readModbusData() {
    for _ in 0..<2000 {
        self.readRegistersFrom(startAddress: 51, count: 1) { (result) in
            print("Success: \(result)")
        } failure: { (error) in
            print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
 Problem Statement: When my app goes to active state to background state It's stop the execution of modbus query and also, I am not able to print my communication logs also


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