
时间:2021-03-10 11:50:58

标签: r dataframe boxplot outliers

我正在尝试在我的 OutVals(异常值)上使用 $names 运算符来查找这些异常值所关联的类,然后将异常值及其类名放入数据框中,以便我可以清楚地看到这些异常值来自哪个类来自。

然而,在尝试实现这一点时,我的类名返回为“1”、“2”等......而不是“Van”、“Bus 等......”,因为它在数据集中。

我是不是错过了什么,还是我的方法完全错误? 目标是获取数据中的异常值并将它们放在一个表中,该表显示异常值来自哪个类



vehData <-
      Samples = 1:6,
      Comp = c(95L, 91L, 104L, 93L, 85L,
      Circ = c(48L, 41L, 50L, 41L, 44L, 57L),
      D.Circ = c(83L,
                 84L, 106L, 82L, 70L, 106L),
      Rad.Ra = c(178L, 141L, 209L, 159L,
                 205L, 172L),
      Pr.Axis.Ra = c(72L, 57L, 66L, 63L, 103L, 50L),
      Max.L.Ra = c(10L,
                   9L, 10L, 9L, 52L, 6L),
      Scat.Ra = c(162L, 149L, 207L, 144L, 149L,
      Elong = c(42L, 45L, 32L, 46L, 45L, 26L),
      Pr.Axis.Rect = c(20L,
                       19L, 23L, 19L, 19L, 28L),
      Max.L.Rect = c(159L, 143L, 158L, 143L,
                     144L, 169L),
      Sc.Var.Maxis = c(176L, 170L, 223L, 160L, 241L, 280L),
      Sc.Var.maxis = c(379L, 330L, 635L, 309L, 325L, 957L),
      Ra.Gyr = c(184L,
                 158L, 220L, 127L, 188L, 264L),
      Skew.Maxis = c(70L, 72L, 73L,
                     63L, 127L, 85L),
      Skew.maxis = c(6L, 9L, 14L, 6L, 9L, 5L),
      Kurt.maxis = c(16L,
                     14L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 9L),
      Kurt.Maxis = c(187L, 189L, 188L, 199L,
                     180L, 181L),
      Holl.Ra = c(197L, 199L, 196L, 207L, 183L, 183L),
      Class = c("van", "van", "saab", "van", "bus", "bus")
    row.names = c(NA,
                  6L), class = "data.frame")

#Remove outliers function
removeOutliers <- function(data) {
  OutVals <- boxplot(data)$out
  namesforgroups <- boxplot(OutVals)$names #get group name of the outliers
  dataf <- as.data.frame(OutVals, col.names = namesforgroups)#dataframe of outlier + names
  print(OutVals) # show all outliers
  remOutliers <- sapply(data, function(x) x[!x %in% OutVals]) #remove outliers from data
  return (remOutliers)

#Remove class column and sample number
vehDataRemove1 <- vehData[, -1]
vehDataRemove2 <- vehDataRemove1[,-19]
vehData <- vehDataRemove2 #assign to new variable
vehClass <- vehData$Class #store original class names

#Begin removing outliers
removeOutliers1 <- removeOutliers(vehData) #remove first set of outliers
removeOutliers2 <- removeOutliers(removeOutliers1) #test again for more and remove

输出数据框 enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

箱线图对象中未提供有关离群值与哪个行/类名称相关联的信息。你必须自己得到它。给出的是异常值来自 boxplot(data)$group 内的列,因此您可以使用 which 查看它来自哪一行,并使用它来获取它是什么类。我重写了你的函数,它现在打印一个表,其中包含异常值、它来自的列以及它来自的行/类。第一次迭代中有 3 行中的 5 个异常值,第二次迭代中没有异常值 - 这是有道理的,因为它们已被删除。

removeOutliers <- function(data, class) {
  OutVals <- x$out
  columns <- x$group #get group name of the outliers
  if (length(columns) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(columns)) {
      ind=union(ind, rows)
      classes=c(classes, class[rows])
    dt=data.frame(OutVals, columns, classes) # show all outliers
    return (list(data[-ind,], class[-ind]))
  return(list(data, class))

#Remove class column and sample number
vehData1 <- vehData[, -c(1,20)]
vehClass <- vehData$Class #store original class names

#Begin removing outliers
removeOutliers1 <- removeOutliers(vehData1, vehClass) #remove first set of outliers
  OutVals columns classes
1     103       5     bus
2      52       6     bus
3       6       6     bus
4     127      14     bus
5      14      15    saab

removeOutliers2 <- removeOutliers(removeOutliers1[[1]], removeOutliers1[[2]]) 


removeOutliers=function(data) {
  x=boxplot(data %>% select(-Class), plot=FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(x$out)) {
    outlierRows=c(outlierRows, which(data[,x$group[i]]==x$out[i]))

getOutliers=function(data) {
  x=boxplot(data %>% select(-Class))
  for (i in 1:length(x$out)) {
    outlierInfo=bind_rows(outlierInfo, data.frame(class=data$Class[rows], 

  Samples Comp Circ D.Circ Rad.Ra Pr.Axis.Ra Max.L.Ra Scat.Ra Elong Pr.Axis.Rect Max.L.Rect
1       1   95   48     83    178         72       10     162    42           20        159
2       2   91   41     84    141         57        9     149    45           19        143
4       4   93   41     82    159         63        9     144    46           19        143
  Sc.Var.Maxis Sc.Var.maxis Ra.Gyr Skew.Maxis Skew.maxis Kurt.maxis Kurt.Maxis Holl.Ra Class
1          176          379    184         70          6         16        187     197   van
2          170          330    158         72          9         14        189     199   van
4          160          309    127         63          6         10        199     207   van

  class value     column
1   bus   103 Pr.Axis.Ra
2   bus    52   Max.L.Ra
3   bus     6   Max.L.Ra
4   bus   127 Skew.Maxis
5  saab    14 Skew.maxis