
时间:2021-03-09 20:25:22

标签: batch-file

我正在处理一个批处理文件,我需要将变量 (a) 设置为等于空格 " " 字符。

这是我的代码。 (按照其中一位回答者的建议)


@echo off
set "pix1= "
set "pix2= "
set "pix3= "
set "pix4= "
set /a a=%random% %%4
set /a b=%random% %%4
set /a c=%random% %%4
set /a d=%random% %%4
if %a% EQU 1 (Set "pix1=%pix1%+")Else Set "pix1=%pix1% "
if %b% EQU 1 (Set "pix2=%pix2%+")Else Set "pix2=%pix2% "
if %c% EQU 1 (Set "pix3=%pix3%+")Else Set "pix3=%pix3% "
if %d% EQU 1 (Set "pix4=%pix4%+")Else Set "pix4=%pix4% "

echo|set /p "p=%pix1%"
echo|set /p "p=%pix2%"
echo|set /p "p=%pix3%"
echo|set /p "p=%pix4%"


当前输出是这个“++” (假设随机数生成了两次,并且顺序与第一个示例相同。)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Set "space= "


if %a% EQU 1 (Set "pix1=%pix1%+")Else Set "pix1=%pix1% "

如果您想生成随机字符串,here 是一个带有用于此目的的文档的函数。


以下是使用上述链接函数生成随机空白和 + 字符的 30x60 字段的示例:

  • /L:60 是每行的长度
  • "/P: + " 是要使用的字符集。空白被提供两次以加权向空白的随机性
  • /O 将生成的字符串输出到 STDOUT
  • /S:3 告诉 GenStr 模式中有多少个字符。不需要,但可以节省确定模式长度所花费的时间
  • 用于生成字符串的 for 循环用括号括起来,所有输出都重定向到临时文件 %~n0_Screen.Dat ;其中 %~n0 是您的脚本名称。


@Echo off & CLS

Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
 (For /L %%Y in (1 1 30)Do (
  Call :GenStr "/p: + " /S:3 "/V:Line%%Y" /L:60 /O
 )) >"%TEMP%\%~n0_Screen.dat"
 TYPE "%TEMP%\%~n0_Screen.dat"

 Goto :Eof

:GenStr ============================================:# Author: T3RRY :Created 09/03/2021 Version:1.0.3
::: Purpose: verbose Random String Generator to suit a wide range of needs.
::: Features: Supports Generation of Delimited Strings of Varying Lengths using a range of predefined
:::           character sets in addition to accepting an argument for a custom character set.
:::           Generates string without output unless /O arg is used, returns String To /V:Variablename
:::           or RV if the /V: Arg is not used.
:::           See the Examples and help documentation for more information.
rem /* Function Help */
 If "%~1" == "" (
  Mode 160,200
  (For /F "Tokens=2* Delims=#" %%G in ('Findstr /BLIC:":#" "%~f0"')Do @Echo(%%G) | @More
  Exit /B 1
 If /I "%~1" == "Help" (
  Mode 160,200
  (For /F "Tokens=2* Delims=#" %%G in ('Findstr /BLIC:":#" "%~f0"')Do @Echo(%%G) | @More
  Exit /B 0
:#| GenStr Args:         Description:
:#| "/L:Int"           : Length of each Substring [MANDATORY] - At least one length must be supplied.
:#| "/L:Int Int Int"   : Varying Lengths may be provided for each Substring
:#|                      by supplying the length for the corresponding iteration
:#|                      If multiple lengths provided without /R, /R:Iterations is defined
:#|                      as the number of lengths provided.
:#|  /V:ReturnVar      : Define Supplied returnvar with generated String
:#|                          - If no return var is supplied, value will be stored in:RV
:#|  /A:ReturnVar      : Append generated string to supplied return variable.
:#|  /P:Pattern Subargs: ANM - English Letters in Upper and Lower case + 0~9 [DEFAULT]
:#|                      ANL - English Letters in Lower case + 0~9
:#|                      ANU - English Letters in Upper case + 0~9
:#|                      AL  - English Letters in Lower case
:#|                      AU  - English Letters in Upper case
:#|                      N   - 0~9
:#|                      H   - Hex String: ABCDEF0123456789
:#|                      Characterstring - provide a custom string of characters to use.
:#|                      Example:          "/P:-+@$^&()"
:#|  /S:Int            : Supply the length of the Custom Pattern. If not supplied
:#|                      the length is calculated, increasing proccesing time.
:#|  /R:Int            : Number of iterations to repeat pattern as an Integer
:#| "/D:Delim"         : Delim Character to use.
:#| "/D:Delim Delim"   : Supports Multiple Delims.
:#|                      - /D:SC for : Semicolon
:#|                      - /D:FS for / Forward-Slash
:#|                      - /D:AS for * Asterisk
:#|                      - /D:WS for " " whitespace
:#|  /O                : Output the Generated string to STDOUT
:#| "/B:Delim Delim"   : Supply a pair of Delims to Bookend the string with.

 Setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
 For %%G in ( B _B{i} CharSet D _D L _L O P RV R RF S V  )Do Set "%%G="
rem /* Function Arg Handling */
 For %%G in (%*) Do For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=/:" %%H in ("%%~G")Do (
  If "%%H" == "O" ( Set "O=_" )Else Set "%%H=%%I"

rem /* Default Repeat Iterations EQU 1 ; Flag R definition forced [To Redefine if multiple lengths provided] */
 If not Defined R ( Set "R=1" & Set "RF=_" )
rem /* String Length Argument Mandatory */
 If Not Defined L (
  Echo "/L:Integer" Length Missing.
  Endlocal & Exit /B 1
 Echo(!L!|%__APPDIR__%findstr.exe /RXC:"[0123456789 ]*" > Nul || (
  Echo(Invalid Arg For "/L:Length". Integers and whitespace only.
  Endlocal & Exit /B 1

rem /* Facilitate Generation of Strings with substrings of varying length
rem    Default Array to same /L:Length for each /R:iteration; Override Array if different lengths Provided */
rem    If Length list provided and R definition is Forced; define /R:Iterations to match number of lengths.
 Set "i=0"
 For /L %%i in (1 1 !R!)Do ( Set "_L%%i=!L!" & Set "_D%%i=!D!" )
 IF Not "!L: =!" == "!L!" For %%G in (!L!)Do (
  Set /A "i+=1"
  Set "_L!i!=%%G"
  If Defined RF Set "R=!i!"

rem /* Handle Arg proccessing of Delim Characters "/" ":" asterisk and whitespace in /D: and /B: Delim Args.
rem /* Default is no Delim. */
rem /* Support Delim List via Array to facilitate different delims in string. */
 (For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims==" %%G in ('Set _D')Do Set "%%G=") 2> nul
  For %%S in (B D)Do If defined %%S (
  Set "i=0"
  IF Not "!%%S: =!" == "!%%S!" (
   For %%G in (!%%S!)Do (
    Set /A "i+=1"
    Set "_%%S=%%G"
    Set "_%%S=!_%%S:SC=:!"
    Set "_%%S=!_%%S:FS=/!"
    Set "_%%S=!_%%S:AS=*!"
    Set "_%%S=!_%%S:WS= !"
    Set "_%%S!i!=!_%%S!"
    Set "_%%S{i}=!i!"
  )Else (
   For /L %%i in (1 1 !R!)Do (
    Set "_%%S%%i=!%%S!"
    Set "_%%S%%i=!_%%S%%i:WS= !"
    Set "_%%S%%i=!_%%S%%i:SC=:!"
    Set "_%%S%%i=!_%%S%%i:FS=/!"
    Set "_%%S%%i=!_%%S%%i:AS=*!"
    Set "_%%S{i}=%%i"

rem /* Default Generation Set is ANM. Use Arg /P:Pattername to use a specific Set */
rem /* Assign Character Sets and S index length based on /P:Pattern Arg */
rem /* Force Default /P:Pattern */
 If Not Defined P Set "P=ANM"
 If /I "!P!" == "ANM" Set "CharSet=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" & Set "S=62" )
 If /I "!P!" == "ANU" ( Set "CharSet=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" & Set "S=36" )
 If /I "!P!" == "ANL" ( Set "CharSet=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" & Set "S=36" )
 If /I "!P!" == "AL"  ( Set "CharSet=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" & Set "S=26" )
 If /I "!P!" == "AU"  ( Set "CharSet=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" & Set "S=26" )
 If /I "!P!" == "N"   ( Set "CharSet=1234567890" & Set "S=10" )
 If /I "!P!" == "H"   ( Set "CharSet=ABCDEF0123456789" & Set "S=16" )
rem /* facilitate custom "/P:Pattern" */
 If not Defined CharSet (
  Set "CharSet=!P!"
  If Not Defined S (
   For /L %%i in (0 1 200) Do If "!S!" == "" If "!P:~%%i,1!" == "" ( Set "S=%%i" )

rem /* For each /R:iteration append /L:length characters at %%c index of /P:pattern
rem -  then append /D:Delim or Delim%%i if Delim list used */
 For /L %%i in (1 1 !R!) Do (
  FOR /L %%n IN (1 1 !_L%%i!)Do (
   For /F "delims=" %%c In ( 'SET /A "!RANDOM! %% S"' )Do (
    Set "RV=!RV!!CharSet:~%%c,1!"
  Set "RV=!RV!!_D%%i!"
rem /* Trim trailing Delim if Defined */
 If Defined D If not "!_D%R%!" == "" Set "RV=!RV:~0,-1!"

rem /* Add bookends from _B array if /B:BookendDelims Arg used */
 If Defined B Set "RV=!_B1!!RV!!_B%_B{i}%!"

rem /* Return the Generated string across the endlocal barrier to Specified /V:Variable or Variable:RV */
 If Not Defined A If Defined O Echo(!RV!
 If "%V%" == "" If "%A%" == "" ( Set "RV=%RV%" & Exit /B 0 )
 If Defined A (
  Set "Rv=!%A%!%RV%"
  If Defined O Echo(!RV!
  For %%v in ("!RV!")Do Endlocal & Set "%A%=%%~v"
  Exit /B 0
 If Defined V (
  Endlocal & Set "%V%=%RV%"
  Exit /B 0
 Exit /B 1

:#| GenStr Usage Examples 
:#| Call :Genstr help
:#| Call :GenStr /L:5 "/V:Single Iteration Default Alphanumerical" /O
:#| Call :GenStr /P:H /L:3 /R:4 "/D:-" "/V:HEX 4x3 - Delim" /O
:#| Call :GenStr /P:N /L:4 /R:3 /D:SC "/V:Numerical 3x4 Semicolon Delim" /O
:#| Call :GenStr "/L:4 3 2" /R:3 "/D:|" /P:ANL "/V:AlphaNumLowercase 4;3;2 Pipe Delim" /O
:#| Call :GenStr /L:5 /R:2 "/P:+@#$^&()|" "/D:-" "/V:2x5 custom characters" /O
:#| Call :GenStr /L:4 /R:4 "/D:+ - +" /P:N "/V:4x4 Mulitple Delims Numerical" /O


example of using the above to create a popluted field: