
时间:2021-03-08 19:23:13

标签: jquery for-loop dom jquery-selectors nodes


layerNameMapping =
    "samp_bldgs": {"title": "Sample_Bldgs", "index": 0, "tt": "Approximate center of buildings within BLE areas", "visible": false},
    "buildings": { "title": "Buildings", "index": 1, "tt": "Approximate center of buildings within BLE areas", "visible": true},
    "buildings_risk_chng": { "title": "Buildings Risk Change", "index": 2, "tt": "Color-coded change of building from effective flood hazard to BLE", "visible": false},
    "contours": { "title": "Contours", "index": 3, "tt": "2ft contour lines", "visible": false}, 
    "contours_diced": { "title": "Contours_Diced", "index": 4, "tt": "2ft contour lines", "visible": true}, 
    "modeled_streamline": { "title": "Modeled Streamline", "index": 5, "tt": "Modeled stream centerlines for BLE studies", "visible": true},
    "counties": { "title": "Counties", "index": 6, "tt": "County boundaries", "visible": true},

基本上,代码使用 jQuery 遍历 node selector 对象中的项目,有一个函数 (tooltipper2) 来根据 item.title 检查每个项目{1}}。加载时,主节点选择器(名为 layerNameMapping 的变量)中将始终有 4 个项目。


我的目标是遍历加载时的 4 个项目中的每一个(同时 $(window).load(function () { $('#myDisclaimerModal').modal('show'); function tooltipper2(name) { var lyr_map = layerNameMapping; var size = Object.keys(lyr_map).length; tt = name; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (lyr_map[Object.keys(lyr_map)[i]].title === name) { tt = lyr_map[Object.keys(lyr_map)[i]].tt; } } return tt; } $('#splash_close_btn').on("click", function () { switcher = true; window.setTimeout(function () { var baseElement_map = document.querySelector('div.esri-legend').querySelectorAll('div.esri-legend__layer-caption'); if (baseElement_map) { for (i = 0; i < baseElement_map.length; i++) { layerName = baseElement_map[i].innerHTML; baseElement_map[i].title = tooltipper2(layerName); } } }, 500); }); }); ),将项目标题与 i < 4 对象中的标题匹配,并将节点项目的标题替换为 tt (对于“工具提示”)。这有效,但仅适用于第一项。在通过第一个节点 item.title ("Modeled Streamline") 后,它在控制台中调试时中断并且永远不会移动到下一个项目。关于我在这里做错了什么的任何想法?

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