使用查找不工作在春季启动中加入 MongoDB 集合

时间:2021-03-06 13:35:36

标签: mongodb spring-boot left-join lookup

我是 Spring Boot 和 mongoDB 的新手。有映射的集合,我必须使用 join 来获取数据。 集合 1:

public class UserResponse { 
private String moduleName;
private String subModule;
private int botResponseId;
private String botResponseType;
private HashMap<String,String> responseData;
private String sentAtInstant;
private String userId; 
// setters and getters

集合 2:

public class Question implements ResponseData{

private int id;
private String text;
private String shortText;
private String textStyleClass;
private List<Option> options;
private Map<String,Object> metaInfo;
private Map<String,Object> optionsInfo;
private String insLogin;
private String updLogin;
private String insTs;
private String updTs;
//setters and getters


Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
MatchOperation match = Aggregation.match(criteria); 
LookupOperation lookup = Aggregation.lookup("userResponses",

TypedAggregation<UserResponse> agg =Aggregation.newAggregation(UserResponse.class,match, lookup);

AggregationResults<UserResponse> res = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, UserResponse.class);
List<UserResponse> res1 = res.getMappedResults();

它只给我 userResponse 集合,不知何故它没有给我合并的集合,即 userResponse 和 questions 集合。

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