松露测试:返回错误:处理事务时出现 VM 异常:还原

时间:2021-03-05 00:24:21

标签: mocha.js assert solidity truffle


我连续多次使用同一个函数 startProposalRegistration 来测试不同的场景,无论有没有限制。



  context("startProposalRegistration", () => {
    it("should be status == ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
      await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: owner })
      const status = await votingInstance.status.call()
      assert.equal(status.toNumber(), 1)
    // it("should not be able to startProposalRegistration as non owner", async () => {
    //   assert.equal(await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: account2 }), false);

    // })

  context("add/delete proposal", () => {
    it("should be able to add proposal if status == ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
      await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: owner })
      assert.ok(await votingInstance.addProposal("Some proposal", { from: whitelisted }))
    // it("should not be able to add proposal if status != ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
    //   await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: account2 })

    // })


const { assert } = require("chai");
const should = require("chai").should();
const Voting = artifacts.require("Voting");

contract("Voting", accounts => {
  let [account1, account2] = accounts;
  let [, , address3, address4] = accounts;
  let owner = account1;
  let whitelisted = address4;
  let votingInstance;
  beforeEach(async () => {
    votingInstance = await Voting.deployed();
    await votingInstance.addVoter(whitelisted, { from: owner }); //adding to whitelist

  it("should deploy", async () => {

  it("should be status == RegisteringVoters", async () => {
    const status = await votingInstance.status.call()
    assert.equal(status.toNumber(), 0)

  context("add/delete Voter", () => {
    it("should be able to add voter as a owner", async () => {
      await votingInstance.addVoter(address3, { from: owner })
      const voter = await votingInstance.whiteList.call(address3);
    it("should not be able to add voter as a non owner", async () => {
      try {
        await votingInstance.addVoter(address4, { from: account2 })
      } catch (err) {
    it("should be able to delete voter as a owner", async () => {
      await votingInstance.deleteVoter(address3, { from: owner })
      const voter = await votingInstance.whiteList.call(address3);
    it("should not be able to delete voter as non owner", async () => {
      try {
        await votingInstance.deleteVoter(address3, { from: account2 })
      } catch (err) {

  context("startProposalRegistration", () => {
    it("should be status == ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
      await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: owner })
      const status = await votingInstance.status.call()
      assert.equal(status.toNumber(), 1)
    // it("should not be able to startProposalRegistration as non owner", async () => {
    //   assert.equal(await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: account2 }), false);

    // })

  context("add/delete proposal", () => {
    it("should be able to add proposal if status == ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
      await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: owner })
      assert.ok(await votingInstance.addProposal("Some proposal", { from: whitelisted }))
    // it("should not be able to add proposal if status != ProposalsRegistrationStarted", async () => {
    //   await votingInstance.startProposalRegistration({ from: account2 })

    // })


和合同 合同/Voting.sol


function startProposalRegistration() public onlyOwner   {
        status = WorkflowStatus.ProposalsRegistrationStarted;
        emit ProposalsRegistrationStarted();

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