protected void ib_s1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
onclick(ib_s1);//Call fun on click
public void onclick(ImageButton tib)
String selseats, temp; //store temp data
int n=0; //use to count
ImageButton tempib = tib;
if (tempib.ImageUrl == "~/graphics/Available.jpg")
tempib.ImageUrl = "~/graphics/Selected.jpg"; //change image url
selseats = tempib.ID.ToString();
temp = selsea.Text.Trim().ToString();
temp = temp + selseats + ",";
selsea.Text = temp; //store the selected seats to text box
n++; //count
else if (tempib.ImageUrl == "~/graphics/Selected.jpg")
tempib.ImageUrl = "~/graphics/Available.jpg"; //if else or click again