Discord.js 检查警告命令错误

时间:2021-03-04 14:54:13

标签: mongodb discord.js

const Mongodb = require('../../models/modSchema');
const Discord = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
    name: 'warnings',
    category: "moderation",
    description: 'Finds and displays the warnings of the mentioned user.',
    run : async(client, message, args, db) => {
        const mentionedMember = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]);

        if(!mentionedMember) return message.channel.send("bruh mention a member u nub");

        Mongodb.find({ guildId : message.guild.id, userId : mentionedMember.user.id}, async(err, data) => {
            if(err) throw err;
            if(data) {
                message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed()
                    .setTitle(`${mentionedMember.user.tag}'s punishments.`)
                        data.map((warn)=> {
                            if (!warn || warn === undefined) return { name: 'Punishments', value: 'This user has no punishments' };
                            if (warn) return { name: `Case #${warn.case} - ${warn.punishType}`, value: warn.reason};

这是我的代码。 每当我输入 -warnings user 并且用户没有警告时,它会在应该回复 user's warn 时回复 This user has no warnings。我的另一个问题是如何让机器人在用户说 -warnings 时显示用户的警告,它显示当前用户的警告,意思是说 -warnings 的用户。

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