猫鼬 |填充一个集合的 ref 文档数组,该集合也是另一个集合的嵌入集合

时间:2021-03-04 14:42:03

标签: node.js mongodb mongoose mongoose-schema mongoose-populate

Federica, Silvio, Enrico

假设我尝试通过数组路径“Cs”删除“指向”多个 ModelC 文档的 ModelA 文档,但在删除之前,我想使用 const schemaA = new mongoose.Schema({ Cs: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "ModelC"}] }); const ModelA = mongoose.model("ModelA", schemaA); const schemaB = new mongoose.Schema({ Cs: [schemaC] }); const ModelB = mongoose.model("ModelB", schemaB); const schemaC = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, As: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "ModelA"}] }); const ModelC = mongoose.model("ModelC", schemaC); 中间件来遍历每个 ModelC 文档"Cs" 数组并更新它们的 "As" 数组,以便它们不再指向已删除的 ModelC。


在调用 schemaA.pre("remove", { query: true, document: false }, async function (next) { const a = await this.model .findOne(this.getQuery()) .populate("Cs"); a.Cs.forEach((c) => { // Update each `c.As` to no longer have a ref to the removed ModelA // Problem is a.Cs is an empty MongooseArray }); } 函数之前,a.Cs 是一个 _id 数组。 问题是当我尝试填充“Cs”时 populate 是一个空数组。


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确保在填充时调用 exec()

const a = await this.model.findOne(this.getQuery()).populate("Cs").exec()