
时间:2021-03-04 08:23:13

标签: javascript typescript async-await es6-promise array-filter


    let newArray = Alerts[symbol].filter(async (alert: IDiscordSymbolAlert, alert_index: number) => {
        // If Price when set is greater than alert price, price has to move UP to trigger
        if (alert.price_when_set < alert.alert_price) {
            hasToGo = Change.UP;
        // If Price when set is greater than alert price, price has to move DOWN to trigger
        else if (alert.price_when_set > alert.alert_price){
            hasToGo = Change.DOWN;

        /**If the hasToGo is UP and current price is greater than alert price, then ALERT USER [OR]
        // If the hasToGo is DOWN and current price is lesser than alert price, then ALERT USER **/ 
        if((hasToGo === Change.UP && (price >= alert.alert_price)) ||
        (hasToGo === Change.DOWN && (price <= alert.alert_price))) {
             * Send Notification that alert has been hit
            let userToSend = await discord.users.fetch(alert.userID)
            if(!userToSend) return;
            userToSend.send(`> @everyone\n\n${symbol} has reached your alert price - ${alert.alert_price}`);
            // remove that alert
            guild_modified = true;
            return false;

        return true;

    // When logged here, it shows the entire array even though certain values have returned false.
    // I know they returned false because the block in which they returned false was executed and 
     //i did receive a notification which was executed in the same block.


在此处记录 (console.log) 时,即使某些值返回 false,它也会显示整个数组。我知道他们返回 false 是因为他们返回 false 的块被执行了,我确实收到了在同一个块中执行的通知。我知道这与 async/await 有关,但我不确定是什么。有人可以看看吗。


Alerts[symbol].forEach(async (alert: IDiscordSymbolAlert, alert_index: number) => {
        // If Price when set is greater than alert price, price has to move UP to trigger
        if (alert.price_when_set < alert.alert_price) {
            hasToGo = Change.UP;
        // If Price when set is greater than alert price, price has to move DOWN to trigger
        else if (alert.price_when_set > alert.alert_price){
            hasToGo = Change.DOWN;

        /**If the hasToGo is UP and current price is greater than alert price, then ALERT USER [OR]
        // If the hasToGo is DOWN and current price is lesser than alert price, then ALERT USER **/ 
        if((hasToGo === Change.UP && (price >= alert.alert_price)) ||
        (hasToGo === Change.DOWN && (price <= alert.alert_price))) {
             * Send Notification that alert has been hit
            let userToSend = await discord.users.fetch(alert.userID)
            if(!userToSend) return;
            userToSend.send(`> @everyone\n\n${symbol} has reached your alert price - ${alert.alert_price}`);
            // remove that alert
            Alerts![symbol].splice(alert_index, 1);
            guild_modified = true;


因为在这种情况下过滤器不能与 async/await 一起使用。这是我使用 forEach() 循环并使用 splice() 手动删除数组中匹配的对象。但是由于 forEach 本身是异步的,而 console.log 在异步块之外起​​作用。它不返回新数组,而是返回未修改的数组。如何返回要在 forEach 块范围之外使用的新数组。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

您不能将 async 函数与 filter 一起使用。 filter 返回回调为其返回真值的所有元素。 async 函数总是返回 promise,它们是对象,所有非 null 对象都是真实的。

如果您的 filter 检查需要为 async,则您的整个操作为 async,并且需要如此处理。

这里有一个现成的 async 过滤函数,它并行执行元素检查。同样,与所有 async 函数一样,它返回结果的 promise

async function filterAsync(array, callback, thisArg = undefined) {
    const flags = await Promise.all(array.map(callback, thisArg));
    const result = [];
    for (let n = 0; n < array.length; ++n) {
        if (flags[n]) {
    return result;


// In an `async` function (assuming you want errors to propagate):
const newArray = await filterAsync(Alerts[symbol], element => /*...keep-or-toss logic...*/);
// ...use `newArray`...

// Not in an `async` function
filterAsync(Alerts[symbol], element => /*...keep-or-toss logic...*/)
.then(newArray => {
    // ...use `newArray`...
.catch(error => {
    // ...handle/report error...