
时间:2021-03-03 15:01:50

标签: java hashmap

我对 Java 开发还很陌生并且仍在学习,现在我一直在从另一个类获取 HashMap 的数据。



  1. 我想通过使用 extend 关键字将 hashmap 类扩展到我的其他类?还没试过
  2. 通过使用我之前使用的 static 关键字,基本上滥用了 static 关键字,我现在也在努力避免这种情况。
  3. 最后是通过获取该类的实例?这就是我现在正在使用的并且遇到问题


public class getLocation {
   HashMap<String, Location> location = new HashMap<>();

   public HashMap<String, Location> getloc(){
        return location;


public class set1 {
   // As far as I know this will create a new instance, therefore the hashmap will be a new empty one
   private getLocation getLoc = new getLocation();

   // Putting some data
   public void setPosition() {
       getLoc.getloc().put("Position_1", Location);


public class setBlock {
   // Again getting a new instance, therefore an empty hashmap again..
   private getLocation getLoc = new getLocation();

   public void getBlock() {

我认为这基本上只是返回 null,因为我正在创建一个新实例,因此它始终为空。有没有合适的方法来做到这一点?之前我只是在我拥有的每个 HashMap 上使用 static 关键字,但我了解到这不是一个好习惯,因此我正在努力学习正确的方法。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

一般来说,您不想想要公开您的数据存储(在这种情况下是您的哈希图)。相反,您希望其他对象以特定方式与您的 HashMap 交互。


// Aside from "Start with Capital letter", the name of a Class should give
// (more than) a hint about its purpose. "getLocation" is a bad, bad, bad name
// because 1) it will not be obvious it's a class and 2) can be confused by humans
// for a method.
public class Storage {

    HashMap<Player, Location> locationStorage;

    // This is the constructor for Storage-objects.
    // It's called with the `new` keyword and creates itself 
    // a new HashMap. 
    // Each Storage-object will have its own HashMap `locationStorage`
    public Storage() {
        this.locationStorage = new HashMap<>();
    // This is a so-called Getter-Method, that exposes the HashMap
    // to other classes in a defined way; it will retrieve the Location-Object
    // associated with the `key` in the Storage's `locationStorage`.
    public Location getLocation(Player player) {
        return this.locationStorage.get(player);

    // This is a so-called Setter-Method, that exposes a way to add
    // a value to our HashMap `locationStorage`
    public void setLocation(Player player, Location loc) {
        this.locationStorage.put(player, loc);


让我们进一步假设我们有一个 Player 类,如下所示:

public class Player {

    private Location playerLocation;
    // ... other variables
    public Location getLocation() {
        return this.playerLocation;


然后我们可以有一个包含您的 main() 方法的类:

public class MainGame {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // using the keyword `new` we can instantiate an Object of the following class
        Storage storage = new Storage();
        // Let's assume you have a Player class that that holds a Location
        Player player = new Player();

        // Storing the Location object of the Player object in our Storage object
        storage.setLocation(player, player.getLocation());

        // retrieving the Location of the player Player
        Location currentLocation = storage.getLocation(player);