以编程方式添加 woocommerce 产品品牌

时间:2021-03-03 08:36:43

标签: woocommerce woocommerce-product-bundles

我正在从包含大量信息和品牌列的 csv 中导入 woocommerce 产品。我成功添加了所有信息(描述、价格、属性和条款,但我无法成功添加品牌信息。我的代码如下。 第一个函数 insert_products 是我写的,其余函数是我在互联网上找到的,经过一些修改,我设法使它们工作。

function insert_products()
        global $wpdb;
        $rows = $_POST['productFound']; // contain my data in array format. 
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $meta_array = array(
                '_regular_price' => $row[15], //price display
                '_price' => $row[15], //price display
                '_product_cost_price' => $row[17], //price cost
                '_product_call_for_price'=>$row[20], //call for price
                '_sku' => $row[3], //part no
                '_product_retail_msrp_price' => $row[14], //price list
                '_weight' => $row[11], //Weight
                'free_ship' => $row[22], //Free Ship
                'upc' => $row[5], //upc
                'spec_url' => $row[32], //Spec_Url
           // 'shipped_from_zip' => $row[21], //shiped from zip
                't_keywords' => $row[30], //keywords
            $my_post = array(
                'post_title' => $row[4], //Title
                'post_content' => $row[29], //Long description
                'post_type' => 'product',
                'post_excerpt' => $row[28], //Short description
                'post_category' => $row[1], //Category
                'meta_input' => $meta_array,
            $insertedProduct = wp_insert_post($my_post, true);
            if (is_wp_error($insertedProduct)) {
                $errors = $insertedProduct->get_error_messages();
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    echo "- " . $error . "<br />";
            } else {

//,"Shipping Price" => array($row[23]),"Shipping Height" => array($row[24]),"Shipping Length" => array($row[25]),"Shipping Width" => array($row[26]),"Shipping Weight" => array($row[27])
//"Brand" => array($row[2]),
                wp_set_post_terms( $insertedProduct, $row[2], 'product_brand', true ); //For Brand inserting

// Inserting attributes. Got this code from internet and  with few small changes this works good for me. 
                $yourRawAttributeList = array($heading[2]=>array($row[2]),$heading[7] => array($row[7]),
                $heading[8] => array($row[8]),$heading[9] => array($row[9]),[10] => array($row[10]),
                $heading[11] => array($row[11]),"Status" => array($row[12]),"Status" => array($row[12]),"Free Ship" => array($row[22]),"Display" => array($row[36]),"Lumens" => array($row[37]),"Native Aspect Ratio" => array($row[38]),"Native Resolution" => array($row[39]),"Contrast" => array($row[40]),"Supported Resolution" => array($row[41]),"Supported Spectratios" => array($row[42]),"Thorw Ratio" => array($row[43]),"Zoom" => array($row[44]),"Ioconnectors" => array($row[45]),"Built In Speaker" => array($row[46]),"Projector Lens" => array($row[47]),"Light Source" => array($row[49]),"Accessories" => array($row[50]),"3D" => array($row[51]),"Case Color" => array($row[52]),"Diagonal" => array($row[53]),"Frame Width" => array($row[54]),"Gain" => array($row[55]),"Rear" => array($row[56]),"Screen Type" => array($row[57]),"Supported Aspect Ratio" => array($row[58]),"Surface" => array($row[59]),"Tension" => array($row[60]),"View Height" => array($row[61]),"View Width" => array($row[62]),"Color" => array($row[63]),"Fixed" => array($row[64]),"In Wall" => array($row[65]),"Load Capacity" => array($row[66]),"Mounting Points" => array($row[67]),"Pivot" => array($row[68]),"Pole Color" => array($row[69]),"Rotate" => array($row[70]),"Swivel" => array($row[71]),"Tilt" => array($row[72]),"Vesa" => array($row[73]),"Weight Capacity" => array($row[74]),"Cable Length" => array($row[75]),"Cable Connector 1" => array($row[76]),"Cable Connector 2" => array($row[77]),"Plenum" => array($row[78]),"Shielded" => array($row[79]));
                $attribs = $this->generate_attributes_list_for_product($yourRawAttributeList);
                $p = new WC_Product($insertedProduct);

                    'attributes'        => $attribs,
                    //Set any other properties of the product here you want - price, name, etc.

                $postID = $p->save();

                if ($postID <= 0) return "Unable to create / update product!";

//Attribute Terms: These need to be set otherwise the attributes dont show on the admin backend:
                foreach ($attribs as $attrib)
                    /** @var WC_Product_Attribute $attrib */
                    $tax = $attrib->get_name();
                    $vals = $attrib->get_options();

                    $termsToAdd = array();

                    if (is_array($vals) && count($vals) > 0)
                        foreach ($vals as $val)
                            if(!$val) continue;
                            echo $val."<br>";
                            //Get or create the term if it doesnt exist:
                            $term = $this->get_attribute_term($val, $tax);

                            if ($term['id']) $termsToAdd[] = $term['id'];

                    if (count($termsToAdd) > 0)
                        //wp_set_object_terms($postID, $termsToAdd, $tax, true);



function create_global_attribute($name, $slug)

        $taxonomy_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name( $slug );

        if (taxonomy_exists($taxonomy_name))
            return wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name($slug);

        //logg("Creating a new Taxonomy! `".$taxonomy_name."` with name/label `".$name."` and slug `".$slug.'`');

        $attribute_id = wc_create_attribute( array(
            'name'         => $name,
            'slug'         => $slug,
            'type'         => 'select',
            'order_by'     => 'menu_order',
            'has_archives' => false,
        ) );

        //Register it as a wordpress taxonomy for just this session. Later on this will be loaded from the woocommerce taxonomy table.
            apply_filters( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_objects_' . $taxonomy_name, array( 'product' ) ),
            apply_filters( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_args_' . $taxonomy_name, array(
                'labels'       => array(
                    'name' => $name,
                'hierarchical' => true,
                'show_ui'      => false,
                'query_var'    => true,
                'rewrite'      => false,
            ) )

        //Clear caches
        delete_transient( 'wc_attribute_taxonomies' );

        return $attribute_id;

    //$rawDataAttributes must be in the form of array("Color"=>array("blue", "red"), "Size"=>array(12,13,14),... etc.)
    function generate_attributes_list_for_product($rawDataAttributes)
        $attributes = array();

        $pos = 0;

        foreach ($rawDataAttributes as $name => $values)
            if (empty($name) || empty($values) || $values[0]=="" || $values[0]=="0") continue;

            if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values);

            $attribute = new WC_Product_Attribute();
            $attribute->set_id( 0 );
            $attribute->set_visible( true );
            //$attribute->set_variation( true );


            //Look for existing attribute:
            $existingTaxes = wc_get_attribute_taxonomies();

            //attribute_labels is in the format: array("slug" => "label / name")
            $attribute_labels = wp_list_pluck( $existingTaxes, 'attribute_label', 'attribute_name' );
            $slug = array_search( $name, $attribute_labels, true );

            if (!$slug)
                //Not found, so create it:
                $slug = wc_sanitize_taxonomy_name($name);
                $attribute_id = $this->create_global_attribute($name, $slug);
                //Otherwise find it's ID
                //Taxonomies are in the format: array("slug" => 12, "slug" => 14)
                $taxonomies = wp_list_pluck($existingTaxes, 'attribute_id', 'attribute_name');

                if (!isset($taxonomies[$slug]))
                    //logg("Could not get wc attribute ID for attribute ".$name. " (slug: ".$slug.") which should have existed!");

                $attribute_id = (int)$taxonomies[$slug];

            $taxonomy_name = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($slug);

            $attribute->set_id( $attribute_id );
            $attribute->set_name( $taxonomy_name );

            $attributes[] = $attribute;

        return $attributes;

    function get_attribute_term($value, $taxonomy)
        //Look if there is already a term for this attribute?
        $term = get_term_by('name', $value, $taxonomy);

        if (!$term)
            //No, create new term.
            $term = wp_insert_term($value, $taxonomy);
            if (is_wp_error($term))
                //logg("Unable to create new attribute term for ".$value." in tax ".$taxonomy."! ".$term->get_error_message());
                return array('id'=>false, 'slug'=>false);
            $termId = $term['term_id'];
            $term_slug = get_term($termId, $taxonomy)->slug; // Get the term slug
            //Yes, grab it's id and slug
            $termId = $term->term_id;
            $term_slug = $term->slug;

        return array('id'=>$termId, 'slug'=>$term_slug);

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