如何解释 is() 的输出?

时间:2021-03-03 05:01:33

标签: r class extend superclass

当我通过单个变量调用 is 函数时,我得到以下信息。

> is(a)
[1] "integer"             "double"              "numeric"            
[4] "vector"              "data.frameRowLabels"

这些信息告诉我们什么?为什么我们有三个不同的属性,比如integer, double and numeric in [1],

这里的 data.frameRowLabel 是什么意思?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在没有第二个参数的情况下调用 is(object, class2) 为我们提供了对象的 class(第一个元素)以及扩展(以下元素),

a <- 1:10

# [1] "integer"

# [1] "integer"             "double"              "numeric"            
# [4] "vector"              "data.frameRowLabels"


# Class "integer" [package "methods"]
# No Slots, prototype of class "integer"
# Extends: 
# Class "double", directly, with explicit coerce
# Class "numeric", directly
# Class "vector", directly
# Class "data.frameRowLabels", directly
# Known Subclasses: 
# Class "factor", from data part
# Class "ordered", by class "factor", distance 2

检查 is(a) 的其他类的定义发现 "integer" 是它们的子类。

selectSuperClasses("integer")  ## don't know why `"double"` isn't listed there...!
# [1] "numeric"             "vector"              "data.frameRowLabels"

# Extended class definition ( "ClassUnionRepresentation" )
# Virtual Class "data.frameRowLabels" [package "methods"]
# No Slots, prototype of class "character"
# Known Subclasses: 
# Class "character", directly
# Class "integer", directly
# Class "signature", by class "character", distance 2
# Class "className", by class "character", distance 2
# Class "ObjectsWithPackage", by class "character", distance 2
# Class "factor", by class "integer", distance 2
# Class "ordered", by class "integer", distance 3

## also try:
getClassDef("double")  ## lists `"integer"` as subclass


is(a, "integer")
# [1] TRUE

is(a, "Date")
# [1] FALSE

## compare    
is(Sys.Date(), "Date")
# [1] TRUE


is(a, "double")
# [1] TRUE

## but
is.double(a)  ## tests the mode not the class resp. extend!
# [1] FALSE

为了测试对象和类之间的继承关系,我们可以使用extends(class1, class2, maybe = TRUE, fullInfo = FALSE)

extends("integer", "double")
# [1] TRUE

test1 <- c("integer", "double", "numeric", "vector", "data.frameRowLabels", 
           "character", "factor", "foo")
mapply(function(x, y) extends(y, x), test, "integer")
#             integer              double             numeric              vector 
#                TRUE                TRUE                TRUE                TRUE 
# data.frameRowLabels           character              factor                 foo 
#                TRUE               FALSE               FALSE               FALSE


# [1] "integer"             "double"              "numeric"            
# [4] "vector"              "data.frameRowLabels"

使用 fullInfo=TRUE 给出所有 is 关系的完整定义。有关详细信息,请参阅 SClassExtension-class

ex <- extends("integer", fullInfo=TRUE)
# List of 5
# $ double             :Formal class 'SClassExtension' [package "methods"] with 10 slots
# .. ..@ subClass  : chr "integer"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ superClass: chr "double"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ package   : chr "methods"
# .. ..@ coerce    :function (from, strict = TRUE)  
#   .. ..@ test      :function (object)  
#     .. ..@ replace   :function (from, to, value)  
#       .. ..@ simple    : logi FALSE
# .. ..@ by        : chr(0) 
# .. ..@ dataPart  : logi FALSE
# .. ..@ distance  : num 1
# $ numeric            :Formal class 'SClassExtension' [package "methods"] with 10 slots
# .. ..@ subClass  : chr "integer"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ superClass: chr "numeric"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ package   : chr "methods"
# .. ..@ coerce    :function (from, strict = TRUE)  
#   .. ..@ test      :function (object)  
#     .. ..@ replace   :function (from, to, value)  
#       .. ..@ simple    : logi TRUE
# .. ..@ by        : chr(0) 
# .. ..@ dataPart  : logi FALSE
# .. ..@ distance  : num 1
# $ vector             :Formal class 'SClassExtension' [package "methods"] with 10 slots
# .. ..@ subClass  : chr "integer"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ superClass: chr "vector"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ package   : chr "methods"
# .. ..@ coerce    :function (from, strict = TRUE)  
#   .. ..@ test      :function (object)  
#     .. ..@ replace   :function (from, to, value)  
#       .. ..@ simple    : logi TRUE
# .. ..@ by        : chr(0) 
# .. ..@ dataPart  : logi FALSE
# .. ..@ distance  : num 1
# $ data.frameRowLabels:Formal class 'SClassExtension' [package "methods"] with 10 slots
# .. ..@ subClass  : chr "integer"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ superClass: chr "data.frameRowLabels"
# .. .. ..- attr(*, "package")= chr "methods"
# .. ..@ package   : chr "methods"
# .. ..@ coerce    :function (from, strict = TRUE)  
#   .. ..@ test      :function (object)  
#     .. ..@ replace   :function (from, to, value)  
#       .. ..@ simple    : logi TRUE
# .. ..@ by        : chr(0) 
# .. ..@ dataPart  : logi FALSE
# .. ..@ distance  : num 1
# $ integer            : logi TRUE

有关 "data.frameRowLabels" 类的更多信息可以在 documentation for package ‘methods’ 中找到。
