
时间:2021-02-26 14:05:45

标签: bash

给定一个字母数字字符串序列,输出包含至少一个字母和一个数字的最大字符串的长度。如果不存在这样的字符串,则输出 0。

应该使用 Bash

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用 GNU awk:

awk 'BEGIN { map[0]="" } { for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) { if ($i ~ /[[:digit:]]/ && $i ~ /[[:alpha:]]/) { map[length($i)]=$i }  } } END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_num_asc";for (i in map) { len=i } print len}' <<< "this sfdsf fdgdf 6gdfgg 56gdfggf67dfgdg"


awk 'BEGIN { 
             map[0]=""                                               # Initialise an array map with a 0 string length index
             for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {                                    # Loop through each work in the sequence of string
               if ($i ~ /[[:digit:]]/ && $i ~ /[[:alpha:]]/) { 
                  map[length($i)]=$i                                 # If the word matches a digit and it matches a alpha character, add to the map array with the length of the word as the index and the word the value
        END { 
              PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_num_asc";                   # At the end of processing the sequence, set the array ordering
              for (i in map) { 
                len=i                                                 # Loop through the array setting len to the index
              print len                                               # Print len, (the highest length)
             }' <<< "this sfdsf fdgdf gdfgg 56gdfggf67dfgdg"