shopwaredata.shipping_method_price_new_price_update 已经存在

时间:2021-02-25 20:51:35

标签: shopware

我尝试安装 shopware 6 但每次都遇到相同的错误:


AMD 六核 6 核 x 2.8 GHz(3.3 GHz Turbo Core),16 GB 内存

PHP 7.4.15


内存限制 3GB

最大执行时间 30000

最大输入时间 60000

post_max_size 1024M

upload_max_filesize 1024M

opcache.enable 开启

allow_url_fopen 开启





收到错误消息。 网址:导入数据库 留言:

{"valid":false,"errorMsg":"An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TRIGGER shipping_method_price_new_price_update BEFORE UPDATE ON shipping_method_price\n            FOR EACH ROW\n            BEGIN\n                IF @TRIGGER_DISABLED IS NULL OR @TRIGGER_DISABLED = 0 THEN\n                IF (NEW.price != OLD.price OR (NEW.price IS NOT NULL AND OLD.price IS NULL))\n                        OR (NEW.currency_id != OLD.currency_id OR (NEW.currency_id IS NOT NULL AND OLD.currency_id IS NULL))\n                        AND (NEW.currency_price = OLD.currency_price OR (NEW.currency_price IS NULL AND OLD.currency_price IS NULL)) THEN\n                    SET NEW.currency_price = JSON_OBJECT(\n                        CONCAT(\"c\", LOWER(HEX(NEW.currency_id))),\n                        JSON_OBJECT(\n                            \"net\", NEW.price,\n                            \"gross\", NEW.price,\n                            \"linked\", false,\n                            \"currencyId\", LOWER(HEX(NEW.currency_id))\n                        )\n                    );\n                ELSEIF (NEW.price = OLD.price OR NEW.price IS NULL)\n                        AND (NEW.currency_id = OLD.currency_id OR NEW.currency_id IS NULL)\n                        AND (NEW.currency_price != OLD.currency_price OR (OLD.currency_price IS NULL AND NEW.currency_price IS NOT NULL)) THEN\n                    SET NEW.price = JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(\n                        NEW.currency_price,\n                        CONCAT(\"$.\", JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(NEW.currency_price), \"$[0]\")), \".gross\")\n                    )) + 0.0;\n\n                    SET NEW.currency_id = UNHEX(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(\n                        NEW.currency_price,\n                        CONCAT(\"$.\", JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(NEW.currency_price), \"$[0]\")), \".currencyId\")\n                    )));\n                END IF;\n                END IF;\n            END;':\n\nSQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1359 Trigger 'shopwaredata.shipping_method_price_new_price_update' already exists"}


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


一般错误:1359 触发器 'shopwaredata.shipping_method_price_new_price_update' 已经存在"}

