Kafka 与节点 -2(主机/A.B.C.D:9093)的连接在身份验证期间终止

时间:2021-02-23 12:32:19

标签: apache-kafka


卡夫卡 2.6.0


Connection to node -2 (kafka2/A.B.C.D:9093) terminated during authentication. 
This may happen due to any of the following reasons: 
(1) Authentication failed due to invalid credentials with brokers older than 1.0.0, 
(2) Firewall blocking Kafka TLS traffic (eg it may only allow HTTPS traffic), 
(3) Transient network issue.


2021.02.23 09:49:34.742 [kafka-producer-network-thread | producer-1] INFO  c.v.w.e.c.KafkaConfiguration$KafkaProducerListener - Event with key: d59ca6ba-111f-42ec-333c-995e3b059593 sent successfully to topic: test.single


最好的问候, 丹

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

文件 /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts 中缺少我的 CA 根证书 如何解决: 将您的 ca 根证书复制到 /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ 并运行命令: update-ca-trust 摘录

问候, 丹