
时间:2021-02-16 18:33:37

标签: sql sql-server



(交易日期、客户姓名、交易金额、单位金额、店铺 ID)。


示例: 交易表

  • store_ID
  • 交易日期
  • 客户姓名
  • 交易金额
  • transaction_unit


  • 客户姓名
  • store_list

这只是一个假设问题。也许单独列出所有购物的商店会更好? (但我想如果我们想检查在这些商店购买的客户,这可能会造成混乱)。提前致谢:)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


示例如下所示。这里我将使用 sqlite 语法(text 而不是 varchar 等)。我们正在规范化数据以避免出现问题 - 例如,您显示了一个包含客户名称的表,但不同的客户可以具有相同的名称,因此我们使用 customer_id 代替。


create table if not exists store (id integer primary key, name text, address text);

create table if not exists customer (id integer, name text, document integer);

create table if not exists unit (symbol text primary key);
insert into unit values ('USD'),('EUR'),('GBP'); -- static data

create table if not exists transact (id integer primary key, store_id integer references store(id), customer_id integer references customer(id), transaction_date date, amount integer, unit text references unit(symbol));

-- transaction is a reserved word, so transact was used instead


-- store names concatenated with ',' using sqlite's group_concat
create view if not exists stores_visited as select cust.name, group_concat(distinct store.name order by store.id) from transact trx join customer cust on trx.customer_id=cust.id join store on trx.store_id=store.id group by cust.name order by cust.id;

-- second version, regular select with multiple lines
-- create view if not exists stores_visited as select cust.id, cust.name, store.id, store.name from transact trx join customer cust on trx.customer_id=cust.id join store on trx.store_id=store.id;


insert into store values
  (1,'store one','address one'),
  (2,'store two','address two')
  (3,'store three','address three');

insert into customer values
  (1,'customer one','custdoc one'),
  (2,'customer two','custdoc two'),
  (3,'customer three','custdoc three');

insert into transact values


select * from stores_visited;

-- customer one|store one,store one,store two
-- customer three|store one,store two
-- customer two|store one