我正在学习 TypeScript 和 Angular,并且在我的书中遇到了一个无法编译的示例。恐怕我不知道如何解决这个问题。
ngOnInit(): void {
const logger = fromEvent(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup');
map((evt: KeyboardEvent) => evt.key.charCodeAt(0)),
filter(code => {
if (this.numeric) {
return !(code > 31 && (code < 48 || code > 57));
return true;
tap(digit => this.keys += String.fromCharCode(digit))
map((evt: KeyboardEvent) => evt.key.charCodeAt(0)),
Argument of type 'OperatorFunction<KeyboardEvent, number>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OperatorFunction<unknown, number>'.
Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'KeyboardEvent'.ts(2345)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
告诉 ts 这个流将是键盘事件流
input float total_jobs_industry str39 industry str8 month
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Nov_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Nov_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Dec_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Dec_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Nov_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Dec_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Dec_2020"
11 "Architectural & Engineering Services" "Nov_2020"
38 "Computer Hardware & Software" "Dec_2020"
12 "Consulting" "Dec_2020"
63 "" "Dec_2020"
32 "IT Services" "Dec_2020"
32 "IT Services" "Nov_2020"
38 "Computer Hardware & Software" "Nov_2020"
12 "Aerospace & Defense" "Nov_2020"
12 "Accounting" "Nov_2020"
12 "Accounting" "Dec_2020"
duplicates drop
gen mdate = monthly(month, "MY")
levelsof mdate, local(months)
tokenize "`c(Mons)'"
foreach m of local months {
local month = month(dofm(`m'))
label def mdate `m' "``month''", modify
label val mdate mdate
set scheme s1color
graph hbar (asis) total_jobs_industry, over(mdate) over(industry, sort(1) descending)
这个 const logger = fromEvent<KeyboardEvent>(this.input.nativeElement, 'keyup');
参数使记录器 <Type>
并且 ts 不会抱怨它