journalctl 删除以下划线开头的字段

时间:2021-02-14 11:46:06

标签: systemd-journald

journalctl 有一个 --output-fields 标志,允许打印某些字段

           A comma separated list of the fields which should be included in the output. This has an effect only for
           the output modes which would normally show all fields (verbose, export, json, json-pretty, json-sse and
           json-seq), as well as on cat. For the former, the "__CURSOR", "__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP",
           "__MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP", and "_BOOT_ID" fields are always printed.

我想知道是否有办法要求“除了以 _ 开头的字段之外的所有字段”?

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