无法使用硒 java 黄瓜生成诱惑报告

时间:2021-02-14 05:58:44

标签: java selenium cucumber allure

我正在努力解决以下错误,因为我无法生成诱惑报告。尝试执行 mvn allure:report 命令时出现以下错误


未能在项目 AutomationFramework1.0 上执行目标 io.qameta.allure:allure-maven:2.8:report (default-cli):在 Allure 报告生成中发生错误。

[INFO] --- allure-maven:2.8:report (default-cli) @ AutomationFramework1.0 ---
[INFO] Allure installation denter code hereirectory D:\AutomationFramework1.0/.allure
[INFO] Try to finding out allure 2.0.1
[INFO] Generate Allure report (report) with version 2.0.1
[INFO] Generate Allure report to D:\AutomationFramework1.0\target\site/allure-maven-plugin
[INFO] Found results directory D:\AutomationFramework1.0\target\allure-results
[INFO] Can't find information about categories.
[INFO] Generate report to D:\AutomationFramework1.0\target\site\allure-maven-plugin
[ERROR] Can't generate allure report data
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "D:\AutomationFramework1.0.allure\allure-2.0.1\bin\allure.bat" (in directory "."): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

我的项目文件夹结构如下所示。 Project Folder Structure

我在 pom.xml 中使用的依赖项如下。


    <!-- For selenium WebDriver-->

    <!-- For cucumber-->



    <!-- For Reporting-->

    <!-- Other utilities -->


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的构建部分配置不正确。请参阅https://docs.qameta.io/allure/#_maven_4 你应该使用

                -Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber4jvm.AllureCucumber4Jvm"

