熊猫 - 获得多个最大值

时间:2021-02-11 17:43:14

标签: python pandas dataframe pandas-groupby


indx   user_id     type        date
0      123          A Level-1  2021-01-15
1      123          A Level-1  2021-01-10
2      123          A Level-2  2021-01-10
3      123          B Level-2  2021-01-11
4      123          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-10
5      124          A Level-2  2021-02-11
6      124          B Level-1  2021-01-21
7      124          B Level-1+ 2021-02-11
8      125          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-31
9      126          A Level-1  2021-02-02


indx   user_id     type        date
0      123          A Level-1  2021-01-15
2      123          A Level-2  2021-01-10
3      123          B Level-2  2021-01-11
4      123          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-10
5      124          A Level-2  2021-02-11
6      124          B Level-1  2021-01-21
7      124          B Level-1+ 2021-02-11
8      125          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-31
9      126          A Level-1  2021-02-02


idx = df.groupby(['user_id','type'])['date'].transform(max) == df['date']

现在,我不能做的是为每种类型(AB 等)获取具有最大类型值的行,以便最终数据帧看起来像这样。

indx   user_id     type        date
2      123          A Level-2  2021-01-10
3      123          B Level-2  2021-01-11
4      123          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-10
5      124          A Level-2  2021-02-11
7      124          B Level-1+ 2021-02-11
8      125          not_ctrgzd 2021-01-31
9      126          A Level-1  2021-02-02

因为B Level-1+大于B Level-1,A Level-2大于A Level-1,依此类推。请注意,某些行没有分类类型(no_ctgrzd),无论如何都应包含在最终数据框中。请不要犹豫,纠正任何你认为不合理的部分,比如标题:)。谢谢!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

正是您的方法 - 只需得出您分组所依据的价值。

idx = df.groupby(['user_id',
                  np.where(df.type.str.match("[A,B][1,2]"), df.type.str.replace(r"([A-B])[1,2]",r"\1-", regex=True), df.type)]
                )['date'].transform(max) == df['date']

idx user_id 输入 日期
0 0 123 A1 2021-01-15 00:00:00
2 3 123 B2 2021-01-11 00:00:00
3 4 123 not_ctrgzd 2021-01-10 00:00:00
4 5 124 A2 2021-02-11 00:00:00
6 7 124 B1 2021-02-11 00:00:00
7 8 125 not_ctrgzd 2021-01-31 00:00:00
8 9 126 A1 2021-02-02 00:00:00

答案 1 :(得分:2)

你可以用 pd.CategoricalDtype 这样做:

#Create a catoregy and order for type
catTypeDtype = pd.CategoricalDtype(['1','1+','2'], ordered=True)

#Split the type into two helper columns to sort on category
df[['t1','t2']] = df['type'].str.extract('(?P<t1>[AB]|(?:.*))(?P<t2>.*)')

#change dtype from string to categorical
df['t2'] = df['t2'].astype(catTypeDtype)

#Sort dataframe on categorical data and date
dfs = df.sort_values(['t2','date'], ascending=[False, False])

#Groupby and take the first record after sorting
df_out = dfs.groupby(['user_id','t1'], group_keys=False, as_index=False).first()\
            .drop(['t1','t2'], axis=1)



   user_id  indx        type        date
0      123     2          A2  2021-01-10
1      123     3          B2  2021-01-11
2      123     4  not_ctrgzd  2021-01-10
3      124     5          A2  2021-02-11
4      124     6          B2  2021-01-21
5      125     8  not_ctrgzd  2021-01-31
6      126     9          A1  2021-02-02


catTypeDtype = pd.CategoricalDtype(['1','1+','2'], ordered=True)

df[['t1','t2']] = df['type'].str.extract('(?P<t1>[AB]|(?:.*))(?:\sLevel-)?(?P<t2>.*)')
# df

df['t2'] = df['t2'].astype(catTypeDtype)

dfs = df.sort_values(['t2','date'], ascending=[False, False])

df_out = dfs.groupby(['user_id','t1'], group_keys=False, as_index=False).first()\
            .drop(['t1','t2'], axis=1)


   user_id  indx        type        date
0      123     2   A Level-2  2021-01-10
1      123     3   B Level-2  2021-01-11
2      123     4  not_ctrgzd  2021-01-10
3      124     5   A Level-2  2021-02-11
4      124     7  B Level-1+  2021-02-11
5      125     8  not_ctrgzd  2021-01-31
6      126     9   A Level-1  2021-02-02