将图像 (JPEG) 转换为 PDF

时间:2021-02-03 09:39:46

标签: python

我正在尝试将 JPEG 转换为 PDF。但是,当我运行代码并将JPEG的路径指定为输入和PDF时,此图片中出现此错误

enter image description here

起初我使用的是使用 GUI tkinter 的代码,但有很多错误,所以我改成了这个代码。


import PIL.Image
import os
import re

# To sort files to stay at the same order
numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+)')
def numericalSort(value):
    parts = numbers.split(value)
    parts[1::2] = map(int, parts[1::2])
    return parts

in_file = ""
out_file = ""
def process():
    in_file= input("In File: ")
    out_file = input("Out File: ")
    lst = os.listdir()
    lst = sorted(lst, key=numericalSort)

    counter = 1
    for i in lst:
        image1 = PIL.Image.open(i)
        im1 = image1.convert('RGB')
        out = out_file + "\\" + str(counter) + ".pdf"
        counter += 1
    for i in range(1,counter):
        print(out_file+ "/"+str(i)+".pdf")

def main():
    def getInDir():
        global in_file
        in_file = filedialog.askdirectory()
        myLabel = Label(root, text="Input File is: " + in_file)
        myLabel.grid(row= 4, column = 2,padx=20, pady=10)
    def getOutDir():
        global out_file
        out_file = filedialog.askdirectory()
        myLabel = Label(root, text="Output File in: " + out_file)
        myLabel.grid(row= 6, column = 2,padx=20, pady=10)

    myInButton = Button(root, text = "Entre Input File", command = getInDir)
    myInButton.grid(row = 0, column = 2,padx=20, pady=5)
    myOutButton = Button(root, text = "Entre Output File", command = getOutDir)
    myOutButton.grid(row = 2 , column = 2,padx=20, pady=5)
    okButton = Button(root, text = "Convert", command = process)
    okButton.grid(row = 8 , column = 2,padx=20, pady=5)


# main()

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