Stripe API 和 PHP:付款与付款意图/费用的关系

时间:2021-02-01 06:26:20

标签: php stripe-payments

我是 STRIPE 的新手,我一直在阅读 STRIPE 的文档,我的任务是创建一个连接帐户的付款列表(类型是标准的)。另外,我必须在那些 PAYOUT 下显示其中包含的所有付款的详细信息。

但是,我看不出与 PAYMENT INTENTS/CHARGES 的 PAYOUTS 有任何关系,是否有可能知道 PAYOUTS 中包含的所有付款?我们正在为我们的用户创建标准连接帐户。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我遇到了同样的挑战,不得不通过 4 个支持者,一遍又一遍地告诉我的需求,然后我终于得到了正确的提示,可以完成我的检查和 cron 工作。我在这里提供我的解决方案,以挽救其他人的相同体验:

$po = 'po_sadfahk.....'; // payout id (i do a loop of payouts)

$balanceTransactions = \Stripe\BalanceTransaction::all([
  'payout' => "$po",
  'type' => 'charge',
  'limit' => 100, // default is 10, but a payout can have more pi's
  'expand' => ['data.source'],

foreach ($balanceTransactions->data as $txn) {
  // my invoice id is added in description when creating the payment intent
  echo "Invoice: {$txn->description}\n"; 
  echo "Created: {$txn->created}\n";
  echo "Available: {$txn->available_on}\n";
  // in source we find the pi_id, amount and currency for each payment intent
  $charge = $txn->source; 
  echo "pi: {$charge->payment_intent}\n";
  $amount = $charge->amount/100;
  echo "$amount {$charge->currency}\n";


  "object": "list",
  "data": [
      "id": "txn_1ISOaSGqFEoKRtad...",
      "object": "balance_transaction",
      "amount": 25000,
      "available_on": 1615680000,
      "created": 1615131127,
      "currency": "dkk",
      "description": "Invoice 44",
      "fee": 530,
      "fee_details": [
          "amount": 530,
          "application": null,
          "currency": "dkk",
          "description": "Stripe processing fees",
          "type": "stripe_fee"
      "source": {
        "id": "ch_1ISOaRGqFEoKR...",
        "object": "charge",
        "amount": 25000,
        "paid": true,
        "payment_intent": "pi_1ISOa3GqFE...", // here we go!
        "payment_method": "pm_1ISOaRGqFE...",
        "payment_method_details": {
          "card": {
            "brand": "visa",
          "type": "card"
      "status": "available",
      "type": "charge"
  "has_more": false,
  "url": "/v1/balance_transactions"

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我不确定您是否会拥有标准帐户的访问权限,但如果您拥有该访问权限,您将能够list all of the Balance Transactions associated with that Payout,对于任何付款意图都会有一个 reference to the Payment Intent in the source field .
