
时间:2021-01-30 11:28:06

标签: python-3.x pandas dataframe plotly plotly-python

我使用的是 python 3.8,plotly 4.14.1,pandas1.2.0

我不知道如何在 Pandas 中分离我的数据并将数据分配给计数器,以便我可以更新热图。

我想创建一个影响 x 可能性的风险矩阵,并将这些数字显示在 Plotly 热图上。



gross_data=[[0,1,2,6,3], [0,7,18,12,6], [6,10,43,44,7], [3,15,29,46,18], [5,14,26,22,21]]

x=['Minor [Very Low]<br>1', 'Important [Low]<br>2', 'Significant [Moderate]<br>3', 'Major [High]<br>4', 'Critical [Very High]<br>5']
y=['Very Remote<br>1', 'Remote<br>2', 'Unlikely<br>3', 'Possible<br>4', 'Highly Possible<br>5']

fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(gross_data, x=x, y=y, colorscale='Magma')
fig['layout']['xaxis']['side'] = 'bottom'

Plotly Figfure Factory 注释热图
enter image description here

或者用 plotly express 来做

gross_data=[[0,1,2,6,3], [0,7,18,12,6], [6,10,43,44,7], [3,15,29,46,18], [5,14,26,22,21]]

fig = px.imshow(gross_data,
                labels=dict(x="Impact", y="Probability", color="Number of Risks"),
                x=['Minor [Very Low]', 'Important [Low]', 'Significant [Moderate]', 'Major [High]', 'Critical [Very High]'],
                y=['Very Remote', 'Remote', 'Unlikely', 'Possible', 'Highly Possible']


enter image description here


我正在使用 Pandas 读取大约 1000 行 excel 数据,这些数据已由人工填写为表格,并包含所有带来的错误。我已经整理好并清理了数据。

我无法解决的是如何获取为风险矩阵中的每个单元格提供大小所需的数据,而无需像下面这样的大量 if 语句。

for X in df[gross_impact]:
    for y in df[gross_likelihood]:
        if (x == 1) & (y == 1):
            increment a counter associated with cell x1y1
       elif (x == 2) & (y == 1):
            increment a counter associated with cell x2y1
       elif (x == 3) & (y == 1):
            increment a counter associated with cell x3y1
       elif (x == 4) & (y == 1):
            increment a counter associated with cell x4y1
       elif (x == 4) & (y == 1):
            increment a counter associated with cell x5y1
       elif (x == 1) & (y == 2):
            increment a counter associated with cell x1y2
       elif (x == 2) & (y == 2):
            increment a counter associated with cell x2y2
      elif (x == 5) & (y == 5):
        increment a counter associated with cell x5y5

这显然是完全低效的。 id 运行了大约 233,000 次循环以获得我的结果,虽然计算资源很便宜,但这并不正确。

我就是不知道该怎么做。我已经阅读了几个堆栈交换问题,但它们没有解决我的查询。我已经在网络上进行了研究,寻找风险矩阵,但在 C++ 或财务数据中返回的内容看起来并不适用。

我的数据框有大约 30 个字段,但唯一引用是 risk_id。我正在相互增加的领域是 risk_impact 和 risk_likelihood。我可以对 risk_id 和 business_unit 进行排序

我必须区分 1 x 3 和 3 x 1,因为它们进入两个不同的 bin 计数应该从左下到右上,所以 1 x 3 是第 1 列第 3 行。3 x 1 是第 3 列第 1 行




import pandas as pf

# Our data to be loaded into the data frame
data = {'risk_id': ['AP-P01-R01', 'AP-P02-R02', 'AP-P03-R03', 'AP-P01-R04', 'BP-P01-R01', 'BP-P01-R02', 'BP-P01-R03', 'BP-P01-R04', 'BP-P01-R05', 'BP-P01-R06', 'BP-P01-R07', 'CP-P01-R01', 'CP-P01-R02', 'CP-P01-R03', 'CP-P01-R04', 'CP-P01-R05', 'CP-P01-R06', 'CP-P01-R07', 'CP-P01-R08'],
        'gross_impact': [4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2],
        'gross_likelihood': [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3],
        'business_unit': ['Accounts Payable', 'Accounts Payable', 'Accounts Payable', 'Accounts Payable', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'British Petroleum', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile', 'Client Profile']


Loaded dataframe

使用提供的解决方案在我有限的数据集上完美运行。 当我使用我的主文件创建一个 Pandas 数据框时,我收到以下错误


IndexError: 用作索引的数组必须是整数(或布尔值)类型

当我运行代码时出现错误,其下一行抛出一个 错误

heatmap[counts[:,1]-1, counts[:,0]-1] = counts[:,2]


df = raca_df[['risk_id', 'gross_impact','gross_likelihood', 'business_unit']].dropna()
counts = df.groupby(['gross_impact','gross_likelihood']).apply(len).reset_index().values

heatmap = np.zeros((np.max(5), np.max(5)))
#heatmap = np.zeros((np.max(df['gross_impact']), np.max(df['gross_likelihood'])))
heatmap[counts[:,1]-1, counts[:,0]-1] = counts[:,2]

import plotly.figure_factory as ff
fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(heatmap)
fig['layout']['xaxis']['side'] = 'bottom'

在提示我如何创建 raca df 后,一个快速的 raca_df.info 指出了我的问题。结果证明这是我原来的 raca_df 数据框和列类型为 float64 的问题。我在列中也有一些空白条目,因此它不会让我更改那里的列类型。

我不得不从 raca_df 想象中创建一个名为 df 的新数据框,我使用循环和 astype('int') 更改了那里的列类型

df = raca_df[['risk_id', 'gross_impact','gross_likelihood', 'business_unit']].dropna()

for item in ['gross_impact','gross_likelihood', 'net_impact', 'net_likelihood']:
    raca_df[item] = raca_df[item].astype('int')

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以按影响和可能性分组,并使用 groupsize 来获取您的热图强度:

  useEffect(() => {
    setTimeout(() => setLoading(false), 2000);
  }, [getAllCategories]);

 return (
      {loading == true ? (
        <Loader />
      ) : (

some code ) 



counts = df.groupby(['gross_impact','gross_likelihood']).apply(len).reset_index().values

# then, you can initialise an empty heatmap and use fancy indexing to populate it:    
heatmap = np.zeros((np.max(df['gross_impact']), np.max(df['gross_likelihood'])))
heatmap[counts[:,0]-1, counts[:,1]-1] = counts[:,2]

# and finally plot it
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(heatmap)