import discord
import os
import random
import praw
from keep_alive import keep_alive
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
import time
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.')
sec_triggers = ['just a sec', 'Just a sec', 'just a second', 'Just a second', 'one sec', 'one second', 'One sec', 'One second']
monke_triggers = ['monke', 'Monke', 'Monkey', 'monkey']
hello_triggers = ['hello there', 'Hello there', 'hello There', 'Hello There']
f_triggers = ['f in the chat', 'F in the chat', 'f in the Chat', 'F in the Chat']
colors = [0xff0000, 0xff3300, 0xff6600, 0xff9900, 0xffcc00, 0xffff00, 0xccff00, 0x99ff00, 0x66ff00, 0x33ff00, 0x00ff00, 0x00ff33, 0x00ff66, 0x00ff99, 0x00ffcc, 0x00ffff, 0x00ccff, 0x0099ff, 0x0066ff, 0x0033ff, 0x0000ff, 0x3300ff, 0x6600ff, 0x9900ff, 0xcc00ff, 0xff00ff, 0xff00cc, 0xff0099, 0xff0066, 0xff0033]
async def on_ready():
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))
await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name="you, Wazowski. Always Watching. Always."))
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
msg = message.content
if any(word in msg for word in monke_triggers):
await message.channel.send(file=discord.File('Reject Humanity, Return to Monke.jpg'))
if any(word in msg for word in sec_triggers):
time. sleep(1)
await message.channel.send("It's been one second")
if any(word in msg for word in hello_triggers):
await message.channel.send(file=discord.File('General_Kenobi.gif'))
if any(word in msg for word in f_triggers):
mention = message.author.name
await message.channel.send(f"{mention} had paid their respects.")
if message.content.lower() == 'f' or message.content.lower() == 'F':
mention = message.author.name
await message.channel.send(f"{mention} had paid their respects.")
await client.process_commands(message)
async def catjam(ctx, *, text):
message = f"{text}"
new_message = ""
for char in message:
new_message += f"<a:catjam:800476635655962644>{char}"
new_message += "<a:catjam:800476635655962644>"
await ctx.send(new_message)
await ctx.message.delete()
async def echo(ctx, *, text):
await ctx.send(f"{text}")
await ctx.message.delete()
async def kick(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, text):
reason = f"{text}"
mention = ctx.message.author.name
pfp = member.avatar_url
em = discord.Embed(title = f"{member} has been kicked.", color = random.choice(colors))
em.add_field(name="Reason:", value=reason)
em.add_field(name="Responsible User:", value=mention)
await member.kick(reason=reason)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def ban(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, text):
reason = f"{text}"
mention = ctx.message.author.name
pfp = member.avatar_url
em = discord.Embed(title = f"{member} has been banned.", description= f"__Reason:__ {reason} __Responsible moderator:__ {mention}", color = random.choice(colors))
await member.ban(reason=reason)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def comic(ctx):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("comic")
all_subs = []
hot = subreddit.hot(limit = 100)
for submission in hot:
random_sub = random.choice(all_subs)
name = random_sub.title
url = random_sub.url
em = discord.Embed(title = name, color = random.choice(colors))
em.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def joke(ctx):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("cleanjokes")
all_subs = []
hot = subreddit.hot(limit = 100)
for submission in hot:
random_sub = random.choice(all_subs)
name = random_sub.title
url = random_sub.url
text = random_sub.selftext
em = discord.Embed(title = name, color = random.choice(colors), description = text)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def meme(ctx):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("cleanmemes")
all_subs = []
hot = subreddit.hot(limit = 100)
for submission in hot:
random_sub = random.choice(all_subs)
name = random_sub.title
url = random_sub.url
em = discord.Embed(title = name, color = random.choice(colors))
em.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def cat(ctx):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("catpictures")
all_subs = []
hot = subreddit.hot(limit = 100)
for submission in hot:
random_sub = random.choice(all_subs)
name = random_sub.title
url = random_sub.url
em = discord.Embed(title = name, color = random.choice(colors))
em.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def dog(ctx):
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("dogpictures")
all_subs = []
hot = subreddit.hot(limit = 100)
for submission in hot:
random_sub = random.choice(all_subs)
name = random_sub.title
url = random_sub.url
em = discord.Embed(title = name, color = random.choice(colors))
em.set_image(url = url)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def help(ctx):
em = discord.Embed(color = random.choice(colors))
em.add_field(name='General Commands', value='__help__- Displays this message', inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed = em)
async def server(ctx):
server = ctx.message.guild
roles = str(len(server.roles))
emojis = str(len(server.emojis))
channels = str(len(server.channels))
embeded = discord.Embed(title=server.name, description='Server Info', color=random.choice(colors))
embeded.add_field(name="Created on:", value=server.created_at.strftime('%d %B %Y at %H:%M UTC+3'), inline=False)
embeded.add_field(name="Server ID:", value=server.id, inline=False)
embeded.add_field(name="Users on server:", value=server.member_count, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Server owner:", value=server.owner, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Server Region:", value=server.region, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Verification Level:", value=server.verification_level, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Role Count:", value=roles, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Emoji Count:", value=emojis, inline=True)
embeded.add_field(name="Channel Count:", value=channels, inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=embeded)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:2)